Post Pics of your Leghorns

Sunny died Sunday. RIP sweet girl. no idea what happened. she was eating,drinking, acting normal when i put them away at night. opened coop up to find her on the floor, stiff. no blood or obvious injuries.

i dont think has small points so just a small single comb i think. All of our girls have big floppy combs i have noticed black specks on their combs though, not sure what it is but i am pretty sure they were not there before. I'm thinking maybe they came from a warm barn and got a bit of damage on their combs when they got to the cold coop.

little bite/peck marks from when they got into a little tiff?
little bite/peck marks from when they got into a little tiff?
They have gone away now and we figured out what it was.....they were hitting their combs on the rough side of a peice of OSB we had in there as a temp "cosy" place for them, turned the board around and got nestboxes in and their combs are doing good.

Found out what kind of leghorns they are..... HyLine W-36 apprently the best egg layers in the world, so i read. So i think i will be offering hatching eggs from them this fall or next spring. They are becoming very friendly, let us pet them now and don't get freaked everytime we go in the coop.
That's what I was thinking. The pic is of parent birds of the eggs I got. The eggs were sold to me as "dark brown"...I did not want light brown. Most of the "dark Browns" I have seen looked similar to the pic I posted--which is a pic of the parent birds of my eggs. I was looking back thru this thread and saw some of your pics....obviously of a MUCH darker bird. Yours are almost a dark mahogany color. I must say they are gorgeous! Thanks for the input!

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