Post Pics of your Leghorns

How are your Leghorns broody?!?!?! I've had 50 in the past 2 years (different varieties) and none will set!

My friends flock thrives on them. They only ever get new birds from their broodies. They always have like 3 when I'm there. They are bantams though.
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most leghorns do NOT get broody, that is one of the reasons that they are such excellent egg producers.

There are always some exceptions though, even with the standard size Leghorns.
I got eggs....the pic I posted was of the parent stock. I thought the dark Browns were a darker shade than the light Browns (yours are COMPLETELY different). Long story short, a major ice storm hit on hatch day and we lost power (for a week) and I lost all of my eggs. Luckily, one chick hatched a day early, so I was trying to figure out if it is a pullet or roo. It is four weeks old. I was looking for pics on this thread for a young chick comparison. As of now, "it" does have lighter coloring coming in around the neck. It has a very pronounced comb. It does look like a smaller version of the light brown pictured.

ETA: I bought the eggs online

Ok, so I finally got an acceptable pic. It is now about six weeks old.....can you tell if it's a pullet or cockerel yet? It has a light-colored breast, but it does seem to have pointy rooster feathers :idunno



ETA: please pardon the "trash" in the background....little boogers got ahold of a roll of paper towels and shredded it! Now I have paper towel bits and pieces everywhere!
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Looks like a pullet to me.


My leghorn, Turkey. Her comb finally grew out! :D

Great! I had eight leghorn eggs in the bator. Hatch day was the day the ice storm hit. I lost everything in the BATOR. Luckily, this one hatched two days early and had already been pulled (along with a couple other different breed chicks) and put in the brooder. I figured my luck would be a roo out of the one leghorn chick that hatched. So glad to have a pullet! :ya
I have a few questions about leg horns in general. White ones. I am going to the feed store today to pick out a couple more chicks to add to my flock of 10 chicks that I already have. I know they have white leghorns which I am really considering because of their egg production. That is what I'm most interested in for having chickens. I also think that lay really earlier, I read four and a half months, is this true? Also, are their eggs large or are they small? I know the chicken itself is small, and therefore should eat less. So basically I'm just trying to decide if I should get Rhode Island Reds, or chose some leghorns. I already have three Rhode Island Reds, and three E. E., and three sex link. Opinions?

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