Post Pics of your Leghorns

Hi all!! I am new to this thread and thought I would share pics of my 2 leghorns - they are 20 weeks and I just got my first egg from them last week!!! Looking forward to reading all the great info on this thread!!!


I never knew there were so many different types of leghorns!!! They are all gorgeous!

I have 6 whites and 7 browns pullets.

10 weeks old in this pic

I think they were about 7 or 8 weeks old in this pic

About 5 or 6 weeks here

Already hiding from me

I definitely have to get more pics of these girls but they are so hard to get a good pic especially the browns. That will be my project tomorrow and I will post more here. They are soon to be 11 weeks old now.
Here is my White Leghorn, Sunshine. She is 24 weeks, and she is BROODY! Yep, you heard me correctly. Broody after only about three weeks of consistent laying. What to do now? I only have two other layers, who squish themselves into the same nest box to lay their eggs, then she scoots them under her and pitches a fit when I get them out. Do I win some sort of "Youngest Broody Leghorn Ever" award? Anybody else have on that went broody this early? I have no rooster, and wasn't planning on any more chics right now.

heres a couple pics of my black leghorn roo. sorry the pics are not good quality.
I love them, and want them......

Where is S&C farms? My crazy Sunshine is still broody, after being kicked off the nest many times, stuck in a wire bottom rabit cage for two days, and placed back on the roost last night. Perhaps she should sit on some of their eggs........
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Just found this thread. I have 4 Exchequer Leghorns. I have read another thread on leghorns and got some info. I searched on the net and looks like it will work. I am tring to get the blk specs out of the legs of my leghorns (breeding for pure yellow legs) Has anyone heard of breeding Exchequers to a pure black leghorn. Then breed back to sire? Or breed off spring to get the pure yellow legs? Goes and one have pure black?
All input/info would be great! Thanks



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