Post Pics of your Leghorns

I have a white leghorn rooster with the sweetest temperment, some barred rock hens, and a mysterious top hat hen that is his favorite. They're all laying fertile eggs, and I'd like to incubate a few. I've heard all the chicks will be all white, because the white leghorn has the dominant gene. Is this true? Anyone know what a white leghorn/ top hat cross could look like?
Meet Alice. She is about 1 1/2 years old now. She is such a pretty Leghorn (except for that molt she did a few months ago)
I have a 1 year old brown leghorn I found broody tonight!!!
I could not find her for 2 1/2 days and finally found her tonight in the upper level of our barn sitting on 18 eggs!!! I did take her back to the coop in the broody area. I am not sure if she will stay with the eggs since I moved her and the eggs, but if she does, I will have to get a pic of her. I just couldn't believe she went broody!!!
I have a question about internal laying in Leghorns. I read the entire thread about internal laying and posted a question about whether or not my White Leghorn may be suffering from it - feel free to comment if you'd like -

My question for the Leghorn people here is this - it seems the hatchery Leghorns are prone to laying issues like becoming egg-bound and internal laying. If I got some breeder quality Leghorns, are they less likely to suffer from these problems? My WL is one of my absolute favorite hens, but I'm afraid I won't have her much longer if she is indeed suffering from internal laying. I'd love to find a nice line of Leghorns (any color) that are not as likely to have laying issues, even if it means I won't get a giant white egg nearly every day. If you have feedback/ experience with this, please let me know. Thanks.
I've had three broodies so far, and the White Leghorn was the best yet! A great little Mommy!

I finally got a picture of my broody leghorn. She hatched 2 chicks and you were right, she is a good Momma!!! I finally was able to get her into a crate in the coop a day before they hatched and the first thing she did when she was ready to bring them out of the crate was tear into the head roo to let him know not to mess with her!! She was always a flighty one but with her being broody and me making sure she ate & drank...she has come to really trust me now!!! She no longer acts like a wild woman when I come near her! LOL

Here she is with one of her chicks.


I hatched Buff Leghorns around the end of April, I have 3 chicks and ended up with a trio.

Here's one of the pullets.

And the cockerel.

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