Post some pics of your EE babies

OK--- here are my two:



I posted an ad on Craigslist looking for EE hatching eggs within an hour of me, and I was very blessed to get a response which led me to eggs just five minutes down the road! Here is the result of that hatch.

They are 3 weeks old now, but I need to get some new pics. The little yellow one in the back corner, who is now white, is named "Baby". S/he is so friendly and jumps up on the perch in the brooder just to get her back scratched. The others are standoffish, but I love them anyway.
I have Ester and Bonnie.

Ester as a chick and at 6 weeks...



And Bonnie as a chick and at 6 weeks



I would have never guessed how they would turn out. Ester was a very dark cinnamon brown and Bonnie was chipmunk. Ester now has beautiful slate gray neck feathers and slight barring on her wings and back. Bonnie has that gorgeous golden neck and silver rimmed in light brown on her wings and back. I can't wait to see them as adults!
JMPE: As you can see in the photo of my six little ones, I have a dark brown one like your Ester (I called her chocolate). Her name is Coco. But if she grows up to look like Ester, then Coco won't be very appropriate any more.
So far she is still looking mostly chocolate brown at three weeks with lots of feathers. But it will be fun to see how they actually turn out.

And since I hatched them, it will be nice to find out how many boys and girls I have.
Here is my white EE when she was about 4 weeks old.


This lovely girl just gave us her first egg at 21 weeks old!

Here is one the kids call Eyeliner...looks like she was in mom's makeup bag!

Last is sister, Crooked Beak. You can see a slight cross beak at 4 weeks, but at 21 weeks, it is quite severe. She still is gaining weight and growing well...still waiting for eggs from all the girls!!
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