Post your exotic/domestic duck aviary/pool pics

The chainlink works 99.9 % of the time and I like it. My chainlink pens only house big birds with no chance of going through. One of my best friends big avairy is chainlink BUT he has 2 ft plastic chicken wire all around the bottom because a duck will try to walk out rather than fly out and yes this is why he added the chicken wire.I would too if you kept smaller ducks like teal,woodducks or other flighty birds. We both use 2in toprite netting and I only had a ringed teal get out thru that BUT it was right when I released her .She got caught in it and crawled out(one in a million IMO) same with chainlink if they are gonna escape its right when you put them in. Ducks figure out their perimeters pretty quick.
We are about to build our aviary and plan to make it 35' across and 90' long.
8' posts set in concrete around the perimeter with sheep panels (5'x16' from TSC) welded 1"x2" openings.
Netting across the top wrapped over the edges to meet the edge of the panels.
10' & 12' posts interior to hold up the netting.
10'x14' coop in the center.
2 auto doors
Set under native palm trees and an oak tree
Pond in one corner with a mechanical and biological filter system on it.

This will be a shared space chickens and ducks alike.

Would love to hear thought.
My hens are EE RiR Austrolope (mixed laying hen all are listed below) the silkies are rehoming to a local family as their first chickens.
The Roos live in the pasture with our goats.

Ducks planning for mandarin and a white call who is rehoming w/a mandarin buddy to us.

Sons class is hatching rouen so far outof 12 eggs he says they 5 progressing

Looking at Laguna pond filters, was told they are some of the best and we have a local store that carries them.
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Fl chickens Sounds great on everything but also if you ever find a filtration system that works with ducks Ill be the first in line to get one
If you truly do want to run one set it up in the middle of the water column and it will help a little. Otherwise you are going to cuss it alot. I still want to build a concrete pond eventually like most people I know do. But fortunately here I will be able to drain out downhill and refill. 10x20 is what I am building in my roughly 30x70 pen (one day Ill measure it)
kind of sounds like ours but smaller.. what size post are your using?
We used 6x6 and 4x4.. 6x6 every 25 ft and 4x4 every 8ftish.. give or take.. we wish we would have used 6x6s everywhere!

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