Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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I have a goose egg! I have a goose egg!

It was laid in the dog house inside the coop, which I put there just for that reason. The Cayuga ducks started laying in there first. Today when I went out to do the chores, I found this goose egg, my first! (And probably Kate's first, too!)

this is my Diasey,s egg. a hawk we think got her a couple weeks ago. we still miss her terribly! i decided to drain her last egg i had in the fridge and paint it and put her name on it. she was a buff orpington

These were our first 3 eggs - the huge one had two yolks. Now they are medium sized. And yesterday she laid one without any shell.
5 month old Olive Egger (French Black Copper Marans roo over Easter Egger). Both have yolks, both are fertile, and both are totally gross!


My girls are about 6 months now. I got them in november 2 they were a few days old maybe a week.
I wanted to give an update, 10 eggs and counting. I know all three EE's are laying and a new white egg today. not sure who laid it. But its exciting..
I wanted to know if each hen laid the same color all the time so i could figure out who laid what, The mystery will remain unless i could stand next to the nest box and wait all day?
How long should i store them before eating? Should they go in the fridge?
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