Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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In the past week, we've had 6 more pullets start laying. Today we found out which of the EEs lays the blue and which the green since they conveniently laid their eggs at totally different times of the day and we saw them in the boxes. We had 3 buff orpingtons lay their first eggs today! We have 1 Red Star, 1 EE, 1 BO and a Golden Polish left to start laying. Nine eggs today. Woo hoo!

First egg I've gotten. Most likely from Sage the only Partridge Rock of my 21 week old hens :) laid one yesterday and one today... small but perfect and so clean!!
our First Egg from our big girl Henryetta 17.5 week old BR..!!!
wooo hooo right on

our Henryettas all hanging out in their shaded dirt bath area
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Got my first egg today!! It's tiny but solid!! Lol it had to be from one if my red stars or Rhode Island reds.. Since it's light brown they were hatched April 27th!! :) excited ;)
Lucky for us, they do lay in the same places & we do not like the lay boxes. We prefer when they make their own nests since these are 'wild chickens' that like high altitudes & cool weather, the Americauna strain. The Araucana are show chickens & are not used as lay chicks, & they run about $25 per baby chick. Anyone who claims they have their eggs is like the Maroon chicks. Rare & expensive.

Do you have a predator problem or do the birds pretty much take care of themselves. Do you feed them? Just curious since they are "wild chickens".
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