Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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About 2 weeks ago my husband found our first egg while looking to see if the chickens were pooping on the deck. Low and behold an egg! It was just the membrane and no shell. E!!! We finally opened it a few days later to find 2 tiny yolks. One normal and one strange one. Oh well. It was a good first effort and right there for us to see.

I've been hunting all over the place for more eggs. Mostly outside in all their napping spots under cover. Now why didn't I think of the barn? There were 2 eggs in a little hen made nest in a quiet place in the barn. Of course I had to bring them in and put them on the tissue paper. Small but perfect.

There may be 2 of 4 laying now but this is our most likely producer. She is that horrible? Well, she is not exactly nameless...Her name is Chicken. That's what I tell her when she comes to the cat's name.

I need to figure out how to get them laying in the coop nesting boxes after I asked my husband to kindly build new boxes as the first ones he built seemed to small for them. I thought 2 days in the coop while we were away might produce an egg in the nest box but nope. At least I know where to look now. I might try putting one of these eggs in the nesting box as the golf balls are not doing a thing.

Doing the happy dance for sure!
Right ADavid, one chicken laid 6 eggs on first laying day age 20 weeks,, one of my cinnamon queen's 'Penny' , laid 6 eggs on her first day of laying, 5 in the early morning and one at mid-day.. I couldn't believe my eyes either but it is true, since then one egg a day like clockwork at around mid-day.
Wow! That's amazing!!
I really don't believe one chicken layed 6 eggs in one day. Did you actually see her laying the eggs? She may have been in the nest box 6 times that day but did you happen to notice anyone else sneak in and lay an egg. I have had broody's on nests and one day look in and there were a half dozen eggs and the next day there were another 6 eggs and then a third day another 6 eggs. The following day I watched carefully and when the broody got off the nest to poop, eat and drink I saw others get in the same nest and lay eggs. You should take a video of it. In all of my years having chickens I have never have had even a Sex-Link lay 6 eggs in one day. This should be put in Guinness's book of world records.
got my first duck egg today! The off white one is from my buff orpington duck. :) it is small but it's her first. She is 22 weeks old. Brown eggs are from my barred rocks.
Cmom... I also had a hard time believing my eyes but I checked the laying box every day from their 18th week on eagerly anticipating my first egg...and on the 20th week one of my Cinnamon Queens (Penny) did lay 5 eggs in the early morning and later at noon the same day she laid one more.. I only have one other laying chicken and she didn't lay any eggs at all till 4 days later, and her eggs are a much paler color than Penny's.. Since then both Queens have laid one egg a day, always in the same laying box. I am afraid your ' belief ' does not change the facts. If you care to check (Google search) you will find the world record for number of eggs laid by one chicken in one day is seven..So my Penny did not break any record but is amazing anyway IMHO.

In this photo are all my birds that's 2 Cochin
roosters, 2 Queens(only half of one of the Queens is in the pic.) and one bantam
I have had birds lay a couple of eggs in one day over the years. I didn't actually see them lay but when I counted the number of birds and there was an extra egg so I assumed someone had to have layed the extra egg which meant one of the birds had to have layed two eggs that day. I believe the facts of this website.
That webpage you posted ( confirms the world record of 7 eggs from one chicken in one day as do several other links from a Google search.. The 6 eggs Penny laid on her first day were rather small all weighing 1.5-1.6 ozs each, but all were complete eggs and tasted delicious.
Wow! If you saw it with your own eyes, then I, for one, believe you!
Although not the record, that is STILL quite amazing! I have cameras in my coop trained on my nest boxes. I can hear the "egg song" being sung, see them rise up a bit, then hear the egg land on the floor of the nest box (they have most of the straw all pushed up the sides). Then they lift up more and look between their legs and roll their egg a bit. Mine do this even if they aren't the first one to lay an egg in that nest that day. Since that was the first time laying for that pullet of yours, she must've been "saving up" somehow for that eggstravaganza! She really knows how to make an entrance!!! LOL! I have also read that it takes 27 days for an egg to travel down the canal and all the way out. That may be an average, or maybe for one breed, or even an average for just one breed.
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