Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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Wow!  If you saw it with your own eyes, then I, for one, believe you! :woot   Although not the record, that is STILL quite amazing!  I have cameras in my coop trained on my nest boxes.  I can hear the "egg song" being sung, see them rise up a bit, then hear the egg land on the floor of the nest box (they have most of the straw all pushed up the sides).  Then they lift up more and look between their legs and roll their egg a bit.  Mine do this even if they aren't the first one to lay an egg in that nest that day.  Since that was the first time laying for that pullet of yours, she must've been "saving up" somehow for that eggstravaganza!  She really knows how to make an entrance!!!  LOL!  I have also read that it takes 27 days for an egg to travel down the canal and all the way out.  That may be an average, or maybe for one breed, or even an average for just one breed. 
It takes 26 HOURS not days for it to make an egg.
It takes approx. 26 hours for a HEN to make an egg
Ooops! That was a typo on my part! I meant I read it takes 27 HOURS............not days!!! Twenty-six or 27, the point is it's supposed to take more then 24 hours (one day). That's why the average is not more than 365 eggs a year, and most likely less. I know my barred rock and my buff orpington have only missed one day each since they started laying. The cuckoo marans take turns laying one every other day, except that two days in a row they both laid an egg and then on the third day neither one did! Since I read that marans lay and AVERAGE of 3-4 a week, I am pleased that they seem to be laying more like 4-5 a week each.
Anyway, they lay more than hubby and I can eat, so our kids and the neighbors get half a dozen free fresh eggs from time to time.

I suppose the averages are probably figured over the laying years of the hens, so they may lay more in the beginning, then taper off as they get older, and that sort of thing. Anyway, averages aren't absolutes.
It actually takes 8-10 days to form an egg... they have multiple yolks forming at once but the hen takes typically 26 hours from one egg to be completed until the next is completed. Hence the ability to lay multiples in a day. In a way they are saving them up...
It takes 26 HOURS not days for it to make an egg.
It takes approx. 26 hours for a HEN to make an egg

I believe Sandywitch was talking about how long it takes to fully form a egg, from a one cell size yolk all the way up to a large ready to lay egg, takes around a month. Apposed to the time between laid eggs which takes around 26 hours.

Egg yolks form very slowly and there can be a months worth of developing egg yolks growing inside a hen at any time. From pinhead sized to fully formed yolks. Only the oldest half dozen or so are bigger than a marble. When a yolk becomes full sized the egg white forms around the yolk then the membrane around the white, then the shell is deposited onto the membrane. The last few steps egg white to finished egg shell is the part that only takes 26 hours.

You can see this in photos easily found on the net. I wont post a photo of the inside of a butchered chicken here. I would probably get kicked off the board. But if you want to see all the forming egg yolks inside a chicken, Google: egg inside chicken images

Warning: The photos tend to be a bit too graphic for people that didn't grow up butchering their own food.

YES GOLF BALLS...!!!! is a good idea but my Henryetta laid one egg before i got a chance to built some temporary nest boxes, and put golf balls in them , here is a pic of Henryetta looking at the glow in the dark golf ball its sorry henneryetta
didnt mean to corn

fuse all of my hens are temporarily on our back porch wile we are rebuilding the chicken house with all new roof & new flooring , so my girls are in their old pens at night on my back inclosed porch for the time being, i love seeing them out my kitchen door in the morning, i really miss them being there any way , plus in AZ its dry and all the poop drys really fast, so no thank goodness for that....right
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Our 4.5 month old golden comet (a.k.a. Red Sex Link) named appropriately "Goldie" laid her first egg this morning! She didn't sing her 'song', though, and she wasn't sitting on it when I found it on the floor of the henhouse. She has two nesting boxes nicely lined with straw...hopefully she'll get used to where she should lay her eggs!
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