Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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omg! Just today when I came home from school there was this egg on the floor! Our first egg!
My flocks first Egg 1.8 oz or 52 g, a medium. With a nice strong shell.

By Mycroft at 22 weeks 5 days. She is my red sex-link.

She laid the egg in the box i have been storing grass in by the back door instead of in the nest boxes. I only looked in there today because when I added a armload of dry grass to the box yesterday I had to chase her out first. Colors on the photo is a little washed out. I took it on a dark stormy day but i wanted a photo of how the hens face looked on the first day she laid an egg. It was redder around the eyes yesterday.

I tried to get a shot showing not only how yellow the yolk is but how high it and the white are standing up.

I think it turned out fairly well.

I also decided to have breakfast for supper.

It's the same thing i had for breakfast this morning. But boy it was so much better tasting than this mornings blaw sandwich.
Holy Moly! Nice color, very bright.
What a beautiful egg!!! I wish I had an EE. When I bought mine, they didn't have any EEs at the time. Now it would be difficult to add one more new one. I don't have any place to put one chick to grow to full size and then try to sneak it in un-noticed with the other four girls, who are almost 35 weeks old now. Oh well. I'm sure they don't taste any different, and my girls have been doing real good with their laying. My orpington and barred rock lay almost every day, missing only like one day apiece since they started, and the two marans seem to take turns laying one each every other day. Now and then they'll get off track a bit and we'll get four in one day and only two the next, but it averages out to a pretty steady 3 eggs a day.

This is my first egg from one of my two Buff orpington pullets its their first time laying (brown egg), the white egg is from the store.
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