Posted this in the Emergency Board... UPDATE: Jesse has passed on T_T

I am so sorry you lost Jesse.
74 I am so sorry, he looks just like my Sammy, I know you had a wonderful life with him, and I am sure he knew how much he was loved. Do you think alot of what was going on was grief too of loosing the love of his life, my gander is very attached to a muscovy duck who hatched him they are inseperable. I often tell my husband I don't know what will happen when Sammy looses Alice. I know you all did everything you could my heart and thoughts are with you.
I am sure he grieved a lot about Zerelda. I think also his illness had played a part too. The pink to red I believe was renal. I think the damage was done even though the high level of ACV cleaned him out really good. There are a lot of trees and yard birds. Someone that is about a hundred yards away just got rid of all his chickens for some reason that we don't know complete with taking down the coops. The diagnosis of Cocci that many gave was spot on. I think though the lack of knowledge on my part and no where that carried the meds contributed. How can you tell an animal is sick without him acting sick. By the time we knew something wrong he was not able to walk. I have used both experiences as learning.

Something my husband and I are not sure of..... Is there a special way we are supposed to dispose of his body? With our other goose there was nothing left other than feathers and a wing.
All of our animals that pass on get buried, deep enough the no wild animal can smell them out, We have a little cemetary for them. The largest pet so far a Golden Retriever. I know the sickness took him mostly but from what I understand about Geese is the really mourn for their mate, I also read that you should never kill another animal where they can see they never forget. Very sorry,
I'm sorry for your loss.

I would just pick a spot were he liked to rest and dig a big hole and bury him. You will always remember him when you pass it by. (unless you are in the city and there are ordinances against it)
Thank you everyone!!! I was not sure if he had to be burned because of the Cocci or if burying was ok.
Yes I think the mourning of Zerelda had a lot to do with the fact he could not shake a disease that usually kills young birds. I am quite sure that the other geese witnessed Zerelda's tragic death. The way they behaved toward dogs had changed dramatically since her death.

Should I show the two babies Jesse or just bury him without them knowing?
I know my questions might seem crazy. Please understand there are days I know I am not "playing with a full deck of cards"
I would. It feels like closure. A lot of animals seem confused and distraught over seeing the body, but given time they seem to figure out what has happened.

While the flock may slowly forget about Jessie, themselves, it just feels more polite to let them know what happened.

That's probably anthropomorphizing them a bit much, but if elephants can grieve why can't geese?

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