Posting Questions


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 19, 2013
I am new to BYC and wanted to know how to post questions when I please?
Greetings from Kansas, thefluffyflock, and
! Pleased you joined us! You post questions just like you posted your first post. Go to the appropriate forum, select 'Start a New Thread' ...a box will pop up for you to type your question, then hit the 'Submit' button. Good luck to you!
Redsoxs means if you had a question about hatching eggs, for instance, you would post your question on the thread for Hatching/incubating chicks., etc. You might want to start at the Learning Center- near the top of the page here, and see if your questions are already answered.
Hello byc I'm new this can u guys please tell me how to right a question on here

Are you looking to start a thread? If so, just go to the top of this section under the heading New Members Introduction, and there should be a button that says Start a New Thread. Click on that. If you don't see this, you must be on a mobile. In which case, I think mobile users need to download the BYC app. Check out this section here for more info on mobile using here on BYC....

Good luck and welcome to our flock!

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