Hi all,
I just got home from work and found that my husband had given my hens some raw potato peel and pumpkin skins which I had left out to put in to the compost.
I am really worried as I have read everywhere that potato peelings and anything to do with potatoes is poisonous for hens. Please let me know if you have ever given your girls potato peel and they have been OK.
I buy my girls fresh silverbeet, kale, spinach etc and do my best to give them the best possible diet and now dear husband goes and does this (he had no idea and now he is upset too).
Won't sleep tonight as I am really worried. Please put my mind at ease.
Thanks all
I just got home from work and found that my husband had given my hens some raw potato peel and pumpkin skins which I had left out to put in to the compost.
I am really worried as I have read everywhere that potato peelings and anything to do with potatoes is poisonous for hens. Please let me know if you have ever given your girls potato peel and they have been OK.
I buy my girls fresh silverbeet, kale, spinach etc and do my best to give them the best possible diet and now dear husband goes and does this (he had no idea and now he is upset too).
Won't sleep tonight as I am really worried. Please put my mind at ease.
Thanks all