Potential Bumblefoot?


Aug 7, 2023
Hey, we've just started raising quail, and noticed on one of our girls, she has two scabs on her feet. They're on wood shavings, in a large rabbit hutch indoors.

She doesn't appear bothered by them or lame in anyway.

If it is Bumblefoot, what's the best way to go about treating it? We're in the UK, and I don't believe there's a local avian vet.
Yes, that is developing bumblefoot.

Treatment involves 2x daily soak in w warm Epsom salt bath, trying to work the scabs off wile their feet are warm. Then spraying with vetricyn (not sure if you have that over there but a good quality antiseptic), and wrapping the foot or feet to keep it clean.

Continue until the scabs stop re- forming and there is no more pus or inflammation.

How deep is your bedding?
How often do you clean?
Curious why it started 🧐

Anyway. Personally, I’d just watch it and not treat unless it was getting more significant/ she was “off”.

I can’t imagine trying to make boots for a quail 😂
Maybe a quail person will chime in!
Hey, thanks for the confirmation. We've only had them just under 4 weeks, so not sure how fast it develop.

I was looking at this which says it can be used on birds https://www.amazon.co.uk/Leucillin-...locphy=1006933&hvtargid=pla-649933209512&th=1

Our bedding is 2inchs deep, and we clean the top layer every day, then a big clean every 4.

Yeah, she seems perfectly fine, and doesn't mind me touching it, but wanted to catch it early, if it was.
Just to update here, we soaked the girls little dooties in salt water for 20 minutes but seemed unable to remove the scab, gave them a good squeeze and nothing came out other than one of them bleeding.

Sprayed with antiseptic, and put them on an indoor hutch with puppy pads on the floor.
Just to update this much later, I can confirm that our little ones bumblefoot is now completely cleared up!

Thanks for all your assistance and advice :)
How long did it take to clear? My quail developed bumble foot when I was sick and my chicas don't like being held so I'm trying to figure out how to get them to soak & heal up

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