Prayers needed for Maplesky7

Praying for you Maple!!!
Here I am... through my tears I write and say thank you SO much for your prayers.

I'm sitting here waiting for my dr. to call me back. They said they were running 45 min to an hour behind but they had submitted a request to the lab to get my ultrasound results verbally to my dr.

I started having severe abdominal pain and went in to see my dr. on tues. I had spilled sugars in my urine which she didn't like but my blood prick test showed 72 as a number and that is I guess that rules out diabetes and doesn't explain the pain.

I don't have a urinary tract infection but she talked to me about cysts I had on my ovaries that can get big and burst and also perhaps my ovary flipping on itself. But then could not tell me anything without further testing.

I was scheduled to have an ultrasound thurs. morning but on wed. I could not stand the pain anymore and had to have my Pastor drive me and my youngest to the ER with my mom being out of town.

I got a hold of mom and after a few hours she came home and met me at the hospital. All they did once they found out I had an ultrasound scheduled for the next morning was send me home with tylonol codeine 3. gee thanks for your concern.

I am so nauseous and in pain.

My blood is very thin from the blood thinners I have to take. My cardiologist has adjusted my meds and I'll get tested next week again for that. I have a bruise on my leg from my youngest accidentally kicking me last friday when we were swimming that measures 6" x 7". ouchy. That's when I knew I must be running thin.

Then on sunday I was a bit tender in my abdomen and monday the pain was severe to the point where I do lots of walking I feel like I'm going to pass out.

Now I'm waiting... to find some answers.

I've rested a little and was able to keep a little chicken and rice down now so far.

ugh... the phone has rung but it's been my sisters and then my mom. sigh...

Thank you BYC friends.

Well I think it is high time you kick them there doctors right where they sit and tell them to get things done NOW. You should not have to suffer like this. If it was one of theirs, they would have answer by now. You are no different. I wish you the best. Better yet give me the number I won't stop calling till you get answersssssssssss.
May the Lord bring you good health and healing, grace & strength as you mend, and many helping hands to allow you the rest you need. May He give your doctors great wisdom and consideration for you. In Jesus' Name, Amen!
Get well soon! Eat chicken soup!
I just got a call from the nurse. She said they have not received the ultrasound results yet and will call me tomorrow. sniff sniff.

In the mean time I can take the 2 new meds with non-dairy foods so I don't react and get sick with them like I'm doing. sniff sniff sniff...

I'm supposed to go with my family tomorrow for a weekend exursion to the Dells to an indoor water park and I don't know if I'll be able to go. The dr. said it depends on how I feel and if I'll be close to an ER and if I do get admitted she won't be able to subscribe anything there.
That would stink if I went and got admitted to the hospital. I don't know what I should do. My kids have been looking forward to it. My sisters want to see me... I want to be a young healthy mom that slides down water slides with my girls like I did last year.

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