Pre-Emptive Trapping


Chillin' Out
12 Years
Mar 7, 2007
Mount Airy, NC
Reading all the sad posts lately about predators and the loss of hens, roosters and chicks prompted me to go ahead and set my hav-a-hart trap even though I haven't had any predator losses.
Two nights = 2 nasty possums. I guess I have been lucky that they haven't got into the coop and killed some of my flock.
I think I will just keep it always set...just in case.
This probably sounds like a dumb question, but will possums harm chickens? I don't know much about them, other than that they're ugly and meaner than snakes.

I'm getting REALLY nervous - our chicks are still in the house, we're fininshing up the coop - and I see FOOTPRINTS in the soft sand, just little dents, outside and inside the coop - no way to tell what they are - but its not NOTHING I don't know WHAT to do about it - we don't have a trap - and even if we did, what the HECK would we do with what we caught?
Yep...I believe that several posters have had losses due to possums. They definitely couldn't get them during the day but I bet they could grab one of the roost at night or younger chicks.
I got my trap at the local outdoor shop...I have also seen them at TSC and on-line. I relocated the possums to the other side of town in a large wooded, park. They are pretty adaptable so I don't think it is cruel to do that. It is against the law but I think I'll risk it. I hate to kill them.
I think we might have to get a trap - what size does a person need most - I know they come in different sizes?

We could probably take the little booger out of town somewhere out in the middle of nowhere!

Do they RUN out of the trap? What the chance they'll turn and BITE the hand thats opening the door for them?
Let me tell you...that is the most harrowing moment. The snarling, hissing, nasty animal is within inches of your fingers and when he goes out the trap door, they usually turn around and give you a nasty glare... I just turn around and run screaming away like a little girl...
I've been seeing small raccoon prints for a week now down at the stalls. So I threw some cat food and a few marsmallows in the trap. No takers but this morning I see very large raccoon footprints in the dirt. So tonight I will set it up with some moist cat food and wire in the marshmallows. I usuall let them come and go a time or too before I let the lid fall so they get comfortable around it. So that means I better set one up near the coop too.

I think I'll MAKE my husband do it - I can put on a pretty good "helpless girl" act when I need to - sounds like I'm gonna NEED to!
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I tried the silly girl thing. Start the lawn mower...nahh...I can't do that.
You mean I have to put the cover over the spark plug....I can't figure that out. Never really worked, but I tried. Now the mean ole dh got a push mower,so there is no excuse. But the chickens love it, they aren't afraid of the noise and follow so close that they have to kicked out from underfoot.

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