Pre-Hatch help 😊


May 16, 2023
Today is ay 18 of hatching eggs just curious is there anything I should do with the hen or the eggs before they hatch?
Sit on your hands. And remember, a peeping egg doesn't need help, a pipped egg under 24 hrs doesn't need help. And sometimes the time period from day 18-to day 20 can long, with no action. Good hatching.
11 months is young , but normally no problem.

What you need to do depends on where the broody sits.
How safe is the nestbox for chicks? Is the nestbox on the ground? Or do the chicks need to use a ramp if the chicks leave the nest. I have but this is not ideal.

I have a platform/hallway in front of the nestboxes where my broodies sit. This is good for the first days until the chicks all hatched. But not safe if the just hatched chocks leave the nestbox area.

Moving chicks with the mama’s after they hatched to a safe nestbox on the ground is probably better.

You need some space near but not in the nestbox, I laid an old towel on the floor (not dlippery) .

If you post some photo’s people here can give you advice.
After the first day the chicks need to be able to drink snd eat. Provide fresh water and food for chicks. Did you buy special chick feed?
I made mash from chick starter/pellets for broilers.
For the water I used a small /flat bowl with river stones where they can’t fall into. A water tower for chicks is fine too of course.

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