Predator guard dog?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 30, 2014
Denver, CO
I thought I would just poll y'all to see what your thoughts are on recommended dog breeds for protecting the animals from predators. (We are beginning with chickens and goats and will add horses soon). We are moving to an 80-acre ranch in CO later this summer and I have been told the coyotes are prolific. I understand about herding dogs, we are inheriting a collie/ACD mix which is phenomenal but she is older and we want to help her out...

TIA for your feedback!
Two or more dogs needed. Birds need to be contained in area patrolled by dogs at all times. Herd will need to move and ideally at least some dogs will move with them. Then birds will be left exposed. Third dog needed back with birds and first need to help out if needed. Will be expensive.

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