Predator proofing a high tunnel conversion to chicken run


In the Brooder
Jan 20, 2023
Eastern Massachusetts
I'm researching covered runs for my first flock which will not be free ranged outside of their run, and I've seen some great cattle-panel hoop runs posted here. I'm wondering about converting a garden high tunnel in a similar way, with the skirting and hardware cloth around the lower 3 ft. The cattle panels have the advantage of having the metal grid extending all across the top, whereas the high tunnel only has greenhouse cover over the top. Is it enough to add the hardware cloth around the bottom, up to 3 or 4 ft or something, then just rely on the fabric cover? Or will critters climb up the hardware cloth and rip open the fabric to climb in so that I still need something like the cattle panel metal grid covering over the whole roof? Does it make a difference if I place my high tunnel run inside of an electrified fence system? Are there any posts here on high tunnel hoop runs that I didn't find when I searched? TIA!
I keep thinking more about how hot it's going to get. Or do you have a ton of ventilation? I leave my greenhouse (hoop and glass,) door open for my Chickens in winter but in summer they would never go in there, they want sand and shade. and relief from heat. To answer your question about electric fence, that is truly the best predator protection. I think a run inside electric fence with as much hardware cloth as you can do is best. But you didn't mention digging down to add a barrier for predators who will dig under..... I think the electric fence is going to stop the larger predators but possibly not small ones. It's a great idea to use it, just consider removing a lot of plastic en lieu of hardware cloth, a under group apron and higher hardware cloth walls. Good luck!!
I keep thinking more about how hot it's going to get. Or do you have a ton of ventilation? I leave my greenhouse (hoop and glass,) door open for my Chickens in winter but in summer they would never go in there, they want sand and shade. and relief from heat. To answer your question about electric fence, that is truly the best predator protection. I think a run inside electric fence with as much hardware cloth as you can do is best. But you didn't mention digging down to add a barrier for predators who will dig under..... I think the electric fence is going to stop the larger predators but possibly not small ones. It's a great idea to use it, just consider removing a lot of plastic en lieu of hardware cloth, a under group apron and higher hardware cloth walls. Good luck!!
If I do this I will definitely switch out at least part of the cover for shade cloth in summer and also add the electric fence and apron. I'm just not sure whether I need to run the hardware cloth completely across the roof, or transition to a larger metal grid, or if I can stop the metal barrier at some particular height. Do rats climb up onto high tunnel roofs and then drop into them? I do really like the cattle panel ones but it seems like a metal structure high tunnel should also be doable. Thanks for sharing your ideas :)!
Yes if you have FEED in there for them to get. For this reason I collect my feed bowls at night and store them in galvanized garbage cans, giving rats no reason to want in. Sounds like you're making progress with a good plan.
I've got galvanized cans where I keep my horse feed for that reason so I'm thinking I'll do the same as you for my chickens. I'm reading and researching and looking forward with eager anticipation to summertime when I hope to have a plan and start making it happen!
Its cheaper for me to convert my shed to a predator proof coop than buy hardware cloth for my hoop house green house( it also gets extremely hot in the summer) My sheds in the shade.
Its cheaper for me to convert my shed to a predator proof coop than buy hardware cloth for my hoop house green house( it also gets extremely hot in the summer) My sheds in the shade.
I have also decided on a shed for a coop conversion and I've got a bunch of ideas on how to set up the inside from the coops on this forum! It's the run I'm thinking of for the tunnel, it needs to be pretty large, potentially movable, able to handle snow loads, and fully enclosed with a cover that can be switched to shadecloth for summer.

My current plan is the cattle panel one, which also uses the hardware cloth. But the advantage of high tunnels is that some are deigned to withstand snow loading and they have been designed to have different summer/winter covers as well as roll up sides and they are a pretty good value per square foot when considering all the advantages. Since it seems like I'd need to add hardware cloth over the whole structure that might make the cattle panel version better but I wondered if anyone had done this with a regular high tunnel (like the ones they sell at Farmer's Friend or Tunnel Vision). I can't find an example so maybe no one has and there are good reasons for that!

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