Predator Proofing


8 Years
Mar 9, 2014
I'm new to the world of chickens and have five 2-3 week old pullets indoors right now. I am getting ready to set up their outdoor coop and am looking for advice on how to "predator proof" the coop. I have a premade coop. How far down do I bury wire around the edge? I've read about using hardwire wire, not chicken wire...what's the difference? Looking for any advice I can get!!
Just how is the pre-made coop made? Some are made to where a dog could easily get in if determined since the wood and wire are usually low-grade. I only put my pre-made coops that I bought as breeding coops inside a secure run.

For your skirt, make a two foot barrier; either downward or outward.
The "skirt" is laid flat on the ground around the coop. You can bury the skirt or just leave it on top of the ground, your choice. It's best if it is also attached to the coop where it meets the coop so that it can't be easily pulled away.
The difference is that raccoons laugh at chicken wire. They can't rip hardware cloth apart.

Easier and more effective than digging down to bury hardware cloth around the perimeter is to run a skirt out around the pen. Diggers will try at the fence. They don't know to back up. You can even use cheaper welded wire at about 1 or 2 inch opening.

I'm new to chickens so I'm not sure if this is 100% but this is the skirt/apron method an old farmer told me. I didn't want to bury mine so I laid out hard wire cloth (it super think with tiny 1/4 in squares) and used stakes to hold it down. This roll is 2 foot wide. I have about 6 inches inside the coop area and about 18 inches hanging out. So a predator is going to have to dig 2 ft to get to my girls. Hopefully this works. Eventually the grass will grow through it and you can mow over it and it will be hidden.
If they can climb a sheer wall and descend a tree head first (which they can), they can climb a wire mesh fence.
Not only can they tear through bird netting, they can shred chicken wire. They are extremely strong and dexterous.

If there's any doubt about their climbing ability.
or their strength or ability to squeeze through tiny openings.

CC is quite right and if a large boar coon (say 35 lbs) has a 50 pound coon dog at a disadvantage (in deep water) then the coon is more than capable of drowning the dog and walking away.

Also more than a few posters have remarked about how a coon trapped in one of those "Have A Heart" traps have ripped the very heart out of the trap and walked away none the orst for being trapped but well educated in the art of destroying things made from wire.

I seriously doubt that when Walt Disney created Bambi that Walt was a chicken farmer.
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The difference is that raccoons laugh at chicken wire. They can't rip hardware cloth apart.

Easier and more effective than digging down to bury hardware cloth around the perimeter is to run a skirt out around the pen. Diggers will try at the fence. They don't know to back up. You can even use cheaper welded wire at about 1 or 2 inch opening.

What do you mean by running a skirt?

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