Predicting the color of dark brown Ameraucana Chicks


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 17, 2009
Hi all,

Well I have these two adorable Ameraucana Chicks who are both decidely dark brown. They came from Ideal Hatchery.

The first is chocolate colored and already has some wing feathers that are the same color with faint white barring. She was not the typical fawn with dark brown markings you usually see. She also even at 3 weeks old has obvious fluffs of feathers at her ears, but they are still downy.

Her flock sister is sort of a runt (or maybe a banty by mistake? She is very small do Banties feather slower?) Her primaries are just starting to grow out and look like they will be the same as her sister. She reminds me of a little owl as her down is all grizzled in color with white and grey on top of a more sable brown color.

I have looked at the websites and seached for chick to adult pictures and cannot find any that show a really brown chick... can anyone help me guess about what they will look like as adults? I know ear tufts are not the breed ideal for Amraucana's but I am just keeping them as pets and wondered if any of you had them come from Ideal with them.

I will try to post some pictures...Any ideas oh wise chicken folk?

Your chick colors will be hard to predict, you have EE's and thus are cross breeds. They could end up quite colorful and beautifully marked.
We are in the same boat, we have 3 Amerucanas. They look like the pictures I've seen of the silver amerucana chicks, but since they are mutts there's no way to know. It's a surprise.
I got mine from Ideal also, but I guess that doesn't mean they'll look alike...I don't know if your chicks look like mine did, but here are pics:


I can't remember the exact age here...about 3-4 months...
Hi everyone thanks for responding....

No TXMom. my chicks are solid brown, I will try to get so photos up.... They sure are sweeties, I really do not care if they are mutts... they have so much personality! It will be fun waiting I suppose not too many weeks to be able to guess.

Love those bearded ladies of yours!... hehe

YES! Exactly! Though the bigger one is less grizzled...(grey and white tinges on the face)

Any idea what she will look like grown?


I'll take a picture of Violet tomorrow. She's about 4 weeks old now and almost fully feathered. She has kinda a dark partridge colored body that is more black than brown. Her head and neck have dark gold lacing and spots.

I wanted to take pictures today. But, I was too busy trying to figure out how to work the skil saw without cutting my fingers off LOL. I can't cut a straight line if my life depended on it! I'm trying to add a small cage/pen below my mini-coop so Violet and Daisy (my two EE chicks) can get some outside time and meet the rest of my flock without getting beat up. My husband is busy with fire season in full swing, so I decided to try and do it myself.

I had 4 EE chicks: Left to right Marigold, Daisy, Rose, Violet.

Marigold- the usual light red/brown partridge EE color pattern with light gold neck

Daisy- muted pale beige/tan, gold, salmon pink, partridge EE pattern (I got to get a recent pic!)

Rose- the ususal medium brown partridge EE color, with gold neck.

Violet- darker brown/black partridge EE color pattern, with dark gold neck

I only have Violet and Daisy left. I had to give Marigold and Rose away yesterday. My mom's dog attacked and killed a neigbor's chicken. I gave them the two chicks as replacements and to keep the peace

Here are some updated pics of Violet (the brown EE chick) and Daisy (the mostly yellow EE chick). They are now about 4 weeks old. They change so much when they feather out. It's fun see the all the color changes. I bet they'll change again when they get their adult plumage.




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