Prefab options?

I like my cages from Wynola Ranch. I bought a 3 tier Breeder/Community setup. I keep Jumbo Wilds in them. Definitely wait until they're at least 3 weeks old before you move them from the brooder. My last hatch, I think I moved them a day or two early because 4 of them escaped through where the eggs roll out. Fortunately, I keep them in my garage and they couldn't get too far. I ended up blocking the roll out opening for a week or so just to be safe. No more escapees.

For a brooder, since I'm hatching small batches, I use a plastic tote and line the bottom with the blue paper shop towels as recommended by Zack at MyShire, among others. For the first week, or so, I just leave the top open and provide a ceramic heat bulb on one end of the tote. I have the bulb on a tripod and will adjust the height depending on how the chicks behave. When they start trying to fly, I cover the top of the tote with window screen material using binder clips to attach it to the tote.

I'll probably have to do something different for a brooder when I start trying to hatch larger batches, but this is working great for now.
What about a wire dog crate wrapped in hardware cloth? If you ask around, someone may have one he could have for cheap or free? Depends how many quail though. But that could get him started?

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