preparing for the worst..


12 Years
May 10, 2007
if i do have to get rid of my girls, would anyone be interested in taking them in for me? they would have to be homed with people that consider them pets, not food.

i live in dayton, ohio.
How sad...if you don't mind me asking, why do you have to get rid of your girls?

I hope it doesn't have to come to that...(*sigh*)

TJ ~:>
i have a buff orpington, SLW, RIR, americauna, and a barred rock.
all super tame.
theyre about 22 weeks old.

i might have to get rid of them because of zoning laws. im fighting it in court, but my city is not giving up.
so im hoping for the best, but making arrangements just incase things dont go as planned.

here are some pictures, justusnak.



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I live just outside of Bellefontaine and would love to adopt your girls. I have 25 Australorps that are about 14 weeks old now (eggs not too far away), I could give the girls their own house and run. Also, knowing how attached I am to my animals, this offer comes with a promise of if things change at some time in the future for you, they would be returned.
cheeky.....they are beautifull!!
I DO hope you can keep them. However.....if not....can we meet possibly half way? I Go to Hamilton Ohio on occasion, to visit family there. You can rest assured, they will have a great life here, at Heavens Door Acres. I have Dominique..and several Americaunas. They would fit right in.
Hopeing you get to keep the girls tho.
Oh Cheeks, what a beautiful flock! I certainly hope you win. You would think that with the ever increasing interest in Poultry today that zoning laws and people's attitudes regarding raising Poultry would change. I know it's happening but it is slow to come...

I'm rootin' for ya!!

TJ ~:>
im definitely not giving up without a fight.
those birds are like my children.

justusnak and seymojo, could i possibly get your emails incase things do turn out that way? it wouldnt be for another 6 months or so though.
thank you.
and yes, i do think that laws should change.

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