Preparing hatching eggs


May 9, 2021
What’s the best way to keep/store hatching eggs? Room temp? Fridge? Or should I use the freshest possible to put under our broody? Thanks!
I've read that eggs can be 3 weeks old before the fertility starts to drop. There's a few schools of thought, usually pointy end down with the carton tipped a bit. Some people use the fridge, some on the counter, counter eggs tend to loose moisture faster though.
Here is what these two recommend:
6. For storing eggs prior to incubation I recommend using a wine cooler with trays in it . The wine cooler can regulate temperature at 55 degrees which is perfect for storing eggs (remember to turn them 2x a day)

We have a bunch of extra turners in the basement that hold the eggs until we set every seven days. Washing every soiled egg when we bring them in with Tek-Trol makes the biggest difference in hatchability we have found.
(Mine we’re ducks so a l it take different), I had left them in the nest to collect (hoping one of my girls would go broody) when neither did I gathered up the (20 😳 eggs) and picked 6 that seemed to be the cleanest/newest. Of the 6, 4 hatched out.

Are you collecting eggs to put under a broody? Or are you purchasing eggs to put under a broody? Just trying to figure out why you’d need to store them first.

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