prettiest Hen competition!!! feel free to join - Ends 4/9/2022

RIP nugget
litterly i just named a chick nugget
:0 Most people on BYC have agreed that the name Nugget is cursed! Chicks named Nugget almost always turn into nasty, mean roosters! I had a pigeon named Nugget and he was the meanest bird you ever laid eyes on.

(Just kidding, (kinda) Nugget is an adorable name :) BUT YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.)
:0 Most people on BYC have agreed that the name Nugget is cursed! Chicks named Nugget almost always turn into nasty, mean roosters! I had a pigeon named Nugget and he was the meanest bird you ever laid eyes on.

(Just kidding, (kinda) Nugget is an adorable name :) BUT YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.)
Same I 100% agree nugget is a name to be afraid of 😂
Bob Ross
about 10 months

satin silkie cross
Wow! Her feathers are so beautiful!
Your bird just inspired me to buy one. I left this post and went to add one to my last order, but I had already ordered one! So much more excited for my new chicks now. Thanks for this joy in my life right now, your chicken is glorious.
Aww, thank you so much! I'm glad you think she's pretty. She would be glad, too, as she's kind of a diva. :rolleyes:
:0 Most people on BYC have agreed that the name Nugget is cursed! Chicks named Nugget almost always turn into nasty, mean roosters! I had a pigeon named Nugget and he was the meanest bird you ever laid eyes on.

(Just kidding, (kinda) Nugget is an adorable name :) BUT YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.)
My Nugget was the sweetest most adorable laced hen you have ever seen. It is truly a shame she got attacked. Her daughter is turning out to be beautiful though!

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