Prevent Cat's Sudden Death Due To Heart Disease

My P-kitty also died of congestive heart failure. It is hard to diagnose in cats, and the initial symptoms are lethargy and general low mobility. In a sedentary, indoor cat, it's mighty hard to tell where lazy and lethargic overlap.

I feel for you, and I still miss my P-kitty.
I am so sorry for your loss he was a beautiful cat and a precious family member for you and that is always hard.

While I haven't had a cat with congenital heart disease we did have a kitten born with a severe hole in her heart she was less than a week away from the surgery (she was smaller the vet wanted her to be at least 2 lbs for surgery) and my brother's Dalmation a known cat killer got into the house with her. We heard her scream and I ran into the room rescued her from under the bed but the stress caused the heart to rupture and she died right in my hands. Sweetest little calico kitten you have ever seen Kellie was so tiny and she would squeak like a mouse instead of a normal meow.

I guess havinng heart conditions around me isn't limited to animals either my son had surgery when he was a newborn due to 3 defects in his heart. Couldn't tell it now except for his scar he is a whopping big 5 year old and loves animals.

I'll keep you and Matisse in my thoughts and prayers that hopefully he won't wind up having congestive heart failure.
I am so sorry about Winston. It's always hard to loose them, but even harder when it comes suddenly and unexpectedly. When you take Matisse in for his check up, ask you vet about doing a blood test called a cardio bnp. It is a biomarker that looks for evidence of heart disease and can help your vet determine if more stressful/invasive tests such as an ultrasound or ECG would be helpful in diagnosing or ruling out heart disease. There are two labs that do the canine cardio bnp (Idexx and Antech) but I think only Idexx currently offers the feline bnp.
I'm very sorry about Winston!
Thank you and others for posting the info so others can be aware!
Cats also get Heartworm Disease and although they cannot be treated for it like dogs can, they can be on HW preventative and also Advantage Multi or Revolution during the time they have the disease until the adult worm dies. Usually within 2yrs time.
Sometimes they just drop dead from HW disease as well because it's not tested for or people don't know to keep them on preventatives since it's not as publicised as the canine heartworm disease.
I've got a HW+ cat that's been on Advantage Multi since diagnosis last year.

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