Pricing for birds


In the Brooder
Jun 17, 2022
Hi ! I was considering selling my chickens in favor of raising quail. They’re all laying hens, and I have given birds away in the past, but I don’t want to do that now as I have put a lot of time and money into these girls. Some of the breeds I have aren’t necessarily common. I was wondering what pricing would be for:
Silver laced polish
Russian Orloff
White crested blue polish
Prairie Blue Bell Egger
Easter Egger
Buff Brahma
Lavender orpington
Rhode Island Red

I want to be fair, but also want my time and effort raising them to be considered. They range in age from 8 mos to about a year.
Saw the following formula recently (can't remember where):

(cost of chick + cost of feed) + 20% = price of adult chicken

McMurray has rhode island red female chicks for $4.76

If you estimate 1lb feed per week for the 8mo, will come out to 32lbs and layer feed runs $20-40 per 50lb bag, so $25.60 on the high side for feed

($4.76 + $25.60) + $6.07 = $36.43

So that would calculate out to an 8mo rir hen to be priced at $36.43.

That would be in line with some of the local auctions in my area. As previously stated, it would be location dependent.
Pricing will vary widely with location. Check Craigslist or other websites to see what might be appropriate in your area.

Your birds' ages will be a factor too.

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