Problem chicks, one blind and one with leg/foot issues


Mar 21, 2024
Hatched out some eggs over the last couple days. The last two I ended up assisting after finding one chick had already died due to hatching issues. There were 3 other chicks that were all upside down in the eggs and dead, one had a bad leg deformities so it's probably for the best. Both these chicks were hatched yesterday afternoon. The white chick is from a shipped egg, black from a road-side egg stand.

The black chick was able to pip (at the wrong end) and was unable to zip. After being pipped for over a day and making little progress I helped it out. It eats and drinks but has a bit of splayed legs going on and curled toes especially on the left foot. I've hobbled it but I think the legs may need to be brought closer together. I've also taped the left foot so the toes are mostly straight. Thoughts?

Now the real worrisome chick. This one was internally pipped for about 2 days. After I discovered that the other chick that was internally pipped had died I did a full assist on this one. It was sticky from egg residue and had to be wiped down with warm water. It is dry but not fluffed up. Poor thing constantly chirps if not under the brooder plate and wanders aimlessly. It responds to sound but there is no blinking or flinching when I put my finger near its face. I've tried getting it to eat and drink with the usual finger tapping method but that seems about impossible with it being blind. I put some crumbles in its mouth and it ate some but spat some out. Dipped it's beak in water a few times too. I'm not sure what can be done for this one and I feel it should be culled. Part of me is hoping it will regain some sight if given some nutrients but I can't get it to eat. Maybe tube feeding? How?
Sorry about the chicks, sounds like they have some genetic or incubation problems, hard to know.

The first looks to have Crooked Toes instead of Curled Toes. Crooked toes cannot be corrected. Curled toes can sometimes be corrected with taping like you are doing. Time will tell.

Get some B-Complex and give the chick 1/4 tablet daily. For tiny ones like this, I just dissolve the tablet in a very small amount of water, then give drops of the vitamin water throughout the day until it's used up - repeat daily for at least a week.

Hard to see her leg - is it splayed or does she have leg bone deformity?

The one that is chirping continuously, wandering and not eating. Try giving it another day or so to see if she comes around. She can have the B-Complex too, it won't hurt. I'd work on hydration, then give wet mushy feed to see if she will take in food. Unfortunately, the constant chirping and other things you mention sounds like she's failure to thrive.
The black chick was hobbling around on the pad of the foot with the toes curled up, think army crawling. It seem to of made a turn around, both of them are doing better actually! The hobbles came off the black chick on their own and it seems to be walking more normally even with the taped foot. I'll keep the tape on for another day or two. and see what it looks like.

Last night I mixed up some food and water to make a watery mush and added B 12 (it's what I had on hand) and syringe fed it. It actually was cooperative this time. Shockingly it seems to not be blind or it has adjusted somewhat, not sure but it is following around the other chicks now and I saw it run up to the drinker and get some water. It's also pecking around!

I have a group of chicks set to arrive early next week from Meyer so I'll be getting some B complex before then.

I'll update as the chicks progress, or if they happen to get worse. So far they are doing okay and not knocking on death's door like I thought they were!
I have a blind 5 day old chick at the moment.

Here’s my experience so far,

I didn’t realize he was blind until about day 3. He (idk the sex but whatever lol) was at that point a tad smaller than I thought he should be, but I think it’s because it took him about that long to orient himself in the brooder.

He now has a good idea where the food and water is, but still kind of wanders around bumping into things.

He does still get a little spooked when the others are quiet (when they lay down to nap) and he can’t hear them. He will chirp a lot and loud, I guess calling out for help 🥺

But it’s getting less and less, he is becoming more independent and secure I think.

Idk if that helps, but figured I’d let you know you aren’t alone.
Both chicks are still alive! Little black one has somewhat straighter toes and the itty bitty white one is definitely not blind. Both are eating, drinking, pooping etc but both are definitely a bit stunted due to the rough start. While small, I think both will be okay now :) hopefully the white one feathers out okay as it still looks pretty scruffy.

Size comparison with a sibling.

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