Problem with incubating eggs. Q&A


5 Years
Jul 27, 2014
Lower Alabama
Ok guys. I'm new to the whole forced air incubator system but so far I'm a fast learner.

My problem is this... I was candling yesterday at day 4 for my daughter to record progress for a summer project (she's 7 and loves science) and while doing this I noticed a tiny hairline crack In one. It has clean blood veins and no smell or oozing. Should I apply a touch of unscented wax and pray or just remove it and ovoid any possible problems later?

Also.. This new incubator has no humidity setting. Just fill and let go... It's remaining at a clean 37.7 degrees Celsius, but humidity stays between 50-60.... Is this to high early on... Fast response would be welcome because we have 18 set. Thanks :frow
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Ok guys. I'm new to the whole forced air incubator system but so far I'm a fast learner.

My problem is this... I was candling yesterday at day 4 for my daughter to record progress for a summer project (she's 7 and loves science) and while doing this I noticed a tiny hairline crack In one. It has clean blood veins and no smell or oozing. Should I apply a touch of unscented wax and pray or just remove it and ovoid any possible problems later?

Also.. This new incubator has no humidity setting. Just fill and let go... It's remaining at a clean 37.7 degrees Celsius, but humidity stays between 50-60.... Is this to high early on... Fast response would be welcome because we have 18 set. Thanks
Yes. Humidity that high for the first 17 days in my opinion is not good. If you want, take a look at the link in my signature at the bottom of the post. It's about controlling humidity and using the low humidity incubation method. With checked and accurate thermometers and hygrometers, I swear by it.
Ok guys..



It looks like it's more than I thought... Still clean veins though...

Not the best egg granted. I think my daughter bumped it with the side last night. :hit

I think it's best to pull this one upon looking today.
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Ok guys..

It looks like it's more than I thought... Still clean veins though...
The best way to candle is directly into the egg from the air cell. If you candle into the egg from the air cell instead of from the side, it will let you see the air cell size and give you a better picture of development. From the pic, all I see is clear and no air cell.
Ok guys..

It looks like it's more than I thought... Still clean veins though...

Not the best egg granted. I think my daughter bumped it with the side last night.

I think it's best to pull this one upon looking today.
I don't see a crack, I just see a "weaker" spot in the shell I have hatched eggs that have had marks like that w/out a problem.
I candled like this because it wouldn't stay put from the top. Hard to hold and picture it.

Now... Next question. This is day 4 early day 5.... My friend has some eggs that she wants to try... (No problem if they don't)... She's had them for 5-8 days and has been rotating them 3 times a day... Wants me to try to add them... Should I? Is it ok? I'm thinking that if I do I'll prep a second incubator for lockdown...

She's praying to hatch at least 1-3 of the 7 EEs she had and a few of the 19 banta eggs... 2 I did not add because of visual problems... 1 Detached air-cell. Aka scrambled. And 1 cracked and oozing. Not viable if you see egg on the outside lol...

Suggestions? She will pay me $1 per successful hatch. $.50 per that do not if they go full or almost full time.
I candled like this because it wouldn't stay put from the top. Hard to hold and picture it.

Now... Next question. This is day 4 early day 5.... My friend has some eggs that she wants to try... (No problem if they don't)... She's had them for 5-8 days and has been rotating them 3 times a day... Wants me to try to add them... Should I? Is it ok? I'm thinking that if I do I'll prep a second incubator for lockdown...

She's praying to hatch at least 1-3 of the 7 EEs she had and a few of the 19 banta eggs... 2 I did not add because of visual problems... 1 Detached air-cell. Aka scrambled. And 1 cracked and oozing. Not viable if you see egg on the outside lol...

Suggestions? She will pay me $1 per successful hatch. $.50 per that do not if they go full or almost full time.
If you have a second bator for lockdown/hatch, I see no reason not to give it a try. I wish someone would pay me to hatch for
If you have a second bator for lockdown/hatch, I see no reason not to give it a try. I wish someone would pay me to hatch for

It's my first incubator hatch... I did sucssefully hatch 2 eggs under a heat lamp after my broody abandoned them to raise her early hatches. The 2 I did were a little over a week younger than the other 2... Then momma hen adopted 4 more babies that I got from the store no problem but wouldn't accept the 2 with diffrent colors... So right now I've got 6 outside roughly a month old and 4 inside in a brooder about a week younger.

Chicken math has attacked lol... The lady whoms eggs I just added says she knows a lady and a guy both looking for pure breed chicks right now as well... Says she will call and see if they still want some. If yes I may have a buyer for a few of my hatchlings if they all make it...

That will make my husband happy. He really didn't want more right now but it's for our daughters summer project.

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