Problem with re-introducing a young bird.


9 Years
Jun 30, 2010
I had a small rooster (i think it's a he) isolated, due to sickness. I put him back in the flock last night. This morning i noticed that he is not really welcome. I wonder when he will be accepted again.... If the problem continues for a few days, then all the effort i put to gain weight will go wasted.
Are there other roosters or just hens? I've not had to do that with more than 1 rooster, but I had to reintroduce my rooster to the girls when he got hurt in the spring. I'd just watch a couple of days, things should settle back down once they reestablish pecking order.
This is completely normal for chickens. Take a see through pen ( dog crates work good ) and put the little guy in it, then set him where all the rest are. this way nobody can hurt him, but can talk to him and slowly get used to him.
Well there is one adult rooster, and three young ones. Two of the young ones have the same age with the one i re-introduced today. The problem is that he is constantly near the gate and comes out with the first chance. Also they do not let him eat. i hope that this problem will go away in the next two days or so.

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