Problem with rooster!!


May 5, 2015
Hi! I'm after some advice with my rooster. He is 6 months old, mixed breed and he has started to attack me and this afternoon he got stuck into my 8 year old son. I have read a few things on here about hormones going into overdrive at this age, but the trouble is I don't know if he is just bad or if it is us, my son was screaming when the rooster went for him, and I started to scream too(not entirely helpful I know!)He has been fine with my husband so I don't know if I should try and not be frightened or if he is a bad egg...
Make him see that you are dominant to him. Make him move out of your way. If he starts to follow you when your back is turned, turn around and scare him away. Do not act afraid or run. If he crows when you chase him away, he is saying that he still has won. I know it sounds stupid, but crow back. Do not let him get the last crow, or he will seriously think he has won.
glad you joined us, but so sorry about your rooster issue. I have none, so really cannot give experienced advice on the males.

But some of my hens also showed personality changes when the hormones kicked in. I think very much like the changes we see with human children when they hit those teenage years.

Free Feather's advice sounds like a good plan to try. But some folks do report that roos are not child friendly. Maybe if you can tame him to you first and then approach taming toward your son. But if the rooster continues to try to dominant your son, then consider a new home?
I think you have to consider your child's health first. One attack by the rooster is all he gets. He needs to be disposed of it. Give to someone who free ranges their birds and has little contact with them or let him be guest of honor with noodles in a soup pot. If you don't need to have fertile eggs, you don't need a rooster. There are countless good roosters looking desperately for homes. There is never a good reason to keep an aggressive one.

A rooster generally goes after kids because they are closer to the ground and easier to attack. Their spurs can be lethal weapons to small fry, at the very least they can put eyes out, and bad puncture wounds.
Welcome to BYC!

x2 on @drumstick diva 's advice. You sure don't want a serious kid injury on your hands. There are good rooster's out there, why risk someone getting hurt with this one.

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