Problems? 2 hens 1 cock

fowl farm

7 Years
May 9, 2012
I'm pretty sure that I have 2 girls and a male. So why does the male keep on chasing one female away from the other? And I do know the one he is chasing is female, and I'm pretty sure the other one is too.
In times like these, it's easy to see why it is said "it takes six guineas to make one brain". Actually, they could be foolin you and you have 2 males. How old are they? Do the two in question engage in chases around the yard? My last bunch dwindled from 20 down to 3 in the course of a year. I was positive I had 3 males until one day I heard the tell tale "buckwheat" two syllable female call. Watch them closely and listen to them. Ya never know.......Pop
The one he keeps chasing buck-wheats (I found a video online of guinea calls to be sure). It's possible I have 3 females, but why the chasing? And it's random- one second their fine, the next their chasing one or the other. Stupid birds
I figured they were just being themselves, but just wanted to check, especially since I've had a fox around, I don't them to be eaten just because their having a fight.
Is it possible that the cock and female paired up, and the female is the odd one out?
I second the pairing, sometimes my young cocks are more friendly with one pullet than the other if only 3 in the coop. I have found 4 or more young chicks/maturing to be a better group than always gets picked on.

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