Problems with fresh eggs into deviled eggs


11 Years
Jun 9, 2008
Washington State
Every time I make deviled eggs with fresh eggs, at least half the white part of the egg sticks to the shell and is lost. Is there a secret to boiling the fresh eggs so they turn out perfect like the old store bought eggs?
I don't really have any "old" eggs and I want to make them on Thursday when my brother's family come up from CA.
I will try the hole in the egg method, but how does it not fill up with water?
I do not put a hole in the egg, just lots of salt in the water. Put them on in cold water, bring to a boil and then put a lid on and turn off the heat. Let them sit for 10 minutes, then drain and dunk in ice water. Crack the shells and put back in the cold water. Then they peel really well.

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