processed first bird today!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 5, 2011
Did my first bridge today not as bad as I had imagined!
my question is I hear u have to let the chicken rest... how long do I do this if I am NOT going to freeze her I just want to COOK this darn bird and see what my first ever chicken tastes like!

There are so many mixed reviews about this. My advice is to rest one, don't rest one, and see what YOU and YOUR family like best.

BTW, Congrats on your first process!!!!!
I'd let it rest. 48 hours refrigerated or on ice (without being frozen) is more than enough. It lets the rigor mortis work itself out.

This being Monday, you could roast it up Wednesday, if your schedule allows. If you need to wait until the weekend keep it good and cool, or pop it in the kitchen freezer for a couple of days (much warmer than a chest freezer) so that it will thaw back out quickly for a fine feed come Saturday night.

You're in for a treat.

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