Processing a goose

You usually need a larger cone. The main thing is the picking. They are very much harder than chickens. You need to dunk them a whole lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are still harder to pick but the meat is well worth the effort.
I had some extra buff american ganders from my spring hatch. The one I processed recently was eaten on Thanksgiving. We had processed him on Monday night, and dry aged him until Thursday. This is my setup. I have a 5 gallon bucket with a hole large enough for a goose head in the bottom. This is suspended by a board with a plant hanger hook on it, which is suspended between two ladders (rather than making a permanent 'stand'). First, I caught the goose and put him, with a gal (for company) in a pen overnight to starve. THen I went down, picked him up, and carried him to the processing area. I held his neck, gently, to the ground and rapped him hard, once, on the back of the head near the spine with a piece of wood. When he was knocked out I put him upside down in the bucket, head hanging out, and cut his throat. I got a great bleedout, and the bucket kept him from flailing and bruising the meat. He was scalded with water with dish detergent and hand plucked. What little down straggled behind was flamed off. He was DELICIOUS.
Love the pictures! Thanks! Pictures always make it easier understand.

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