Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

Agreed! And talking, laughing and sharing work is not a bit "disrespectful" of the animal...what kind of lame brained idea is that? I talk, laugh and share around my animals all the time they are living and it's no different when they are dying and dead. Life is happening all around and it doesn't pause because something mourning is happening amongst the other birds in the flock or in the humans, so why be quiet and try to show this so-called respect? Weird.

They........are.........not.........humans. This statement might help all who try to equate them with such if they only want to get it through their heads..if they don't, and insist on acting like animals are humans, then I guess that's where the disconnect is happening. Could explain why this is so very hard for some. I'd be having some difficulty if I thought I was killing humans too...
I shudder the think what others must think of us nurses and paramedics if laughing and joking at seemingly inappropriate times is a bad thing! lol (I say this b/c I know "B" is an long time nurse and I a paramedic)
Nuthin' like gallows humor to counteract incipient wussiness. ;). Sometimes the "adolescent boy" response to chicken body parts, sounds, or activity can help overcome awkward moments.

Hey, anybody else get a giggle about the size of rooster testes?
Okay...let me recap. The chicken's head will be lopped off with an axe...including the flops around violently with blood going in all directions...and it is in no danger of drowning in that process(????) but it is in danger of drowning while hanging upside down and the trachea is cut along with major vessels.

I've heard this theory before and I always chuckle about it. Blood is running down, not up. It gets into the nostrils and mouth of the bird, possibly occluding those airways...but~oh, look! it's okay because someone has cut the throat and trachea open so that the bird can still receive air!~ while it dies within 10-20 seconds.

Do me a favor, all who process, so you can attest to the validity of this assessment, try this method of killing and then inspect the bronchial tubes for blood residue and then tell us if this seems true: The blood cannot be sucked UP into the trachea and into the lungs enough to make a bird drown to death when the bird is hanging upside down. Even if this were possible, it could not be accomplished in the time it takes for the bird to die of bleeding out and the resulting cardiac arrhythmia. If the bird were going to drown because of blood near or in the opening of the severed trachea, could it not also drown because of blood in the nostrils and mouth of the bird with an intact trachea(it's all one airway)?

I've also heard Joel Salatin afficiandos stating that cutting the trachea cuts off oxygen to the brain and the bird dies quicker, resulting in poor bleed out....really? Wouldn't the lack of blood to the brain caused by the excessive bleeding cause the same oxygen to the brain? That's what is known as a tautology, I believe.

Let's use some logic...the bird dies within 10-20 seconds, on cannot drown in that time frame, it cannot NOT bleed any more or less if the brains ceases to function due to lack of O2, it cannot do much of anything but die faster or slower(10 seconds vs. 20 seconds) in that time range, which is the desired effect..death that is quick.
And to add to your very good reasoning, if your airway becomes blocked and the Dr, nurses, or paramedic cannot remedy the situation what do they do .................................. cut a hole in your trachea so you can breathe.
And to add to your very good reasoning, if your airway becomes blocked and the Dr, nurses, or paramedic cannot remedy the situation what do they do .................................. cut a hole in your trachea so you can breathe.
How does one cut something in the bird to make it come out the eyes. My first experience. Blood out the nose, eyes and ears. I cut the trachea. The bird did not die as easily if I didn't cut the trachea, so I avoid it at all costs now. Blood coming out the eyes is not something I ever want to see again.
How does one cut something in the bird to make it come out the eyes. My first experience. Blood out the nose, eyes and ears. I cut the trachea. The bird did not die as easily if I didn't cut the trachea, so I avoid it at all costs now. Blood coming out the eyes is not something I ever want to see again.
The eyes and the trachea are not directly connected, there is no physiological reason why cutting the trachea would make eyes or ears bleed, by nose are you meaning the beak? 'The only body cavities directly connecting eyes, ears and nostrils would be sinus cavities, which also would not be affected by your cutting the trachea. It was likely a coincidence, I have read of an issue w/ keeping chickens held upside down for an extended time of bleeding from the oral cavities, I do not think this is a common thing, I've had them held upside down for some time w/o any problems, but my best guess would be the chicken you are talking about was affected by that condition,

The assumption of the cause of the bleeding was merely a guess on my part I don't even know if the phenomenon is a true thing or internet "urban myth".

I have google searched in every way I can think of and believe my assumption to be wrong, I can find no credable evidence that holding a chicken upside down for any length of time will cause this reaction.
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I have finally caught up so no more quoting old posts from me! lol lol

The discussion about the repurposed killing cones, mine is a former kitty litter jug. I don't remember how big, but it is squareish shaped, has a large screw lid in the corner.

I found the pics

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The eyes and the trachea are not directly connected, there is no physiological reason why cutting the trachea would make eyes or ears bleed, by nose are you meaning the beak? 'The only body cavities directly connecting eyes, ears and nostrils would be sinus cavities, which also would not be affected by your cutting the trachea. It was likely a coincidence, I have read of an issue w/ keeping chickens held upside down for an extended time of bleeding from the oral cavities, I do not think this is a common thing, I've had them held upside down for some time w/o any problems, but my best guess would be the chicken you are talking about was affected by that condition,

The assumption of the cause of the bleeding was merely a guess on my part I don't even know if the phenomenon is a true thing or internet "urban myth".

I have google searched in every way I can think of and believe my assumption to be wrong, I can find no credable evidence that holding a chicken upside down for any length of time will cause this reaction.
Thank you for explaining that Kass.. This was not from dripping into the eyes, it legit came FROM the eyes. The corner of the eyes anyway.. It was seriously scary and we talked about calling it a day, but tried again.. this time we didn't cut deep enough, but it didn't seem to bother the bird who was in a daze... We cut again and got the jugular and at that point we knew exactly WHAT should be cut and got it right every time after.

But the eyes.. It was seriously scary. He took longer to die even though we knew we cut his head half off. It may have been reflexes, but his eyes were blinking and blood coming out of them, as well as his mouth moving trying to catch a breath.. At least that is what it looked like to us.

This is probably why you walk away right?

I have found they die quicker if you hold their head a certain way (drain out better).

On a brighter topic.. My meaties were let free the first time today. I spent a lot of time watching them and fretting. Not for their safety, but it was so hot.. I had to make them a temporary shaded shelter, because they just wouldn't go back in on their own. We fixed it up with rocks as steps instead of a ramp. They seem to understand that concept better.

They didn't want to venture far.
Exactly why I walk away.

Sunday is going to be a big day for my juvenilles too, their first day mixing w/ the big girls. I have been waiting for everyone to heal from the caponizing which they have done well. It will be bitter sweet though, I have a girl that has a severe cross beak that I have known I will need to process, she has held her own w/ the juvies, but am sure she will not fair as well w/ the bigger girls. There won't be much meat at all, but still not going to waste her death.
Exactly why I walk away.

Sunday is going to be a big day for my juvenilles too, their first day mixing w/ the big girls. I have been waiting for everyone to heal from the caponizing which they have done well. It will be bitter sweet though, I have a girl that has a severe cross beak that I have known I will need to process, she has held her own w/ the juvies, but am sure she will not fair as well w/ the bigger girls. There won't be much meat at all, but still not going to waste her death.
Kass, I had a bird like that with a badly crossed beak. She lasted a long time as long as we had their food in a dish that was deep enough that she could get a "big bite" if you will. She couldn't get small bites of things like thin grass, but things she could really sink her beak into worked just great. She was a big white egg layer and lived healthy and happy for a few years........until a coon got her
Kass, I had a bird like that with a badly crossed beak. She lasted a long time as long as we had their food in a dish that was deep enough that she could get a "big bite" if you will. She couldn't get small bites of things like thin grass, but things she could really sink her beak into worked just great. She was a big white egg layer and lived healthy and happy for a few years........until a coon got her
That is good to know, if she can manage to keep up it will buy her time to get a little bigger, but either way I do not want her genetics in the offspring. I suspect I know where this genetics came from but the roo that carries this possibility has an important gene to me that I cannot just get anywhere so I can't (really won't b/c I want a specific gene he carries) cull him the best I can do is cull any that show the deformity.

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