Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

Remember that for every chicken you process, you have given them a full and purposeful life.

You have spared other chickens from being kept in deplorable conditions who will never know the life that your chickens lived, because you decreased the demand for mass produced chickens.
thank you and it was so bad, what a friggen night and the kids just dont understand it at all. Harmony was freaking out and for HOURS. Lucas was fine but called us stupid for making Harmony cry and screamed at me "why did we have to kill him and not just sell him"... oh GOD the guilt just hits hard out of the mouths of babes. I know it was the right thing he was really sick and 14 years old. I kept busy cleaning EVERYTHING, and then Harmony started cleaning (SHE NEVER CLEANS!) finally she cried herself to sleep, I just gave her a kiss on the forehead and tucked her PandyBear under her arm. Thank you for kindness. I love my doggies so much, its the SINGLE thing I hate about animals, they die too young! :( the older daughter was at her moms house and I am not sure how well she took it and luke is 6 and Harmony is 9 :(

I'm sorry. You had a really tough day. How do they cope with processing?
they are fine with the processing, my husband and I couldnt get a hand on them to pluck them. but chickens are not the snuggle bums they sleep with and cuddle with, and cry with when they are upset. Harmony is so much better this morning, me I have a heck of a headache but life goes on things could be alot worse.

Thank you everyone for your kind words and thoughts <3 Only part of the keeping dogs I cant deal with, loosing them.
Sally I'm so sorry about your dog!

We haven't been doing any processing here, the south is getting hit with a bunch of ice & snow.
My silly tom likes being in it apparently, my husband had to go put him back in the coop.
The other girls came out to go to their nest box then went right back in! They like it when there's only a couple inches, but once it gets deep they stay inside. We're up to about 7 inches now, but it looks like it's stopped, just a little sleet.

thank you and it was so bad, what a friggen night and the kids just dont understand it at all. Harmony was freaking out and for HOURS. Lucas was fine but called us stupid for making Harmony cry and screamed at me "why did we have to kill him and not just sell him"... oh GOD the guilt just hits hard out of the mouths of babes. I know it was the right thing he was really sick and 14 years old. I kept busy cleaning EVERYTHING, and then Harmony started cleaning (SHE NEVER CLEANS!) finally she cried herself to sleep, I just gave her a kiss on the forehead and tucked her PandyBear under her arm. Thank you for kindness. I love my doggies so much, its the SINGLE thing I hate about animals, they die too young! :( the older daughter was at her moms house and I am not sure how well she took it and luke is 6 and Harmony is 9 :(
I have sometimes thought of the final cause of dogs having such short lives and I am quite satisfied it is in compassion to the human race; for if we suffer so much in losing a dog after an acquaintance of ten or twelve years, what would it be if they were to live double that time?​

Sir Walter Scott
Sally I'm so sorry about your dog!

We haven't been doing any processing here, the south is getting hit with a bunch of ice & snow.
My silly tom likes being in it apparently, my husband had to go put him back in the coop.
The other girls came out to go to their nest box then went right back in! They like it when there's only a couple inches, but once it gets deep they stay inside. We're up to about 7 inches now, but it looks like it's stopped, just a little sleet.

beautiful bird!!! omg!
they are fine with the processing, my husband and I couldnt get a hand on them to pluck them. but chickens are not the snuggle bums they sleep with and cuddle with, and cry with when they are upset. Harmony is so much better this morning, me I have a heck of a headache but life goes on things could be alot worse.

Thank you everyone for your kind words and thoughts <3 Only part of the keeping dogs I cant deal with, loosing them.
Sorry for the loss of a cherished family friend. As each of my dogs have gone, they get a special plot. My maremma is buried with the sheep; my house dogs are buried near the house. Given time and support the kids will move from anger to greif and the process continues. Perhaps do something special with a photo of the dog, or have them write a poem or story to hold on to.

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