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It's an "EZplucker 151" we bought on super black Friday sale I believe, maybe a Xmas sale? Saved $200 bucks from the site itself (with sale I think we paid $500? I'd have to look at the site. Google ez plucker.) If you're thinking about it wait for the sales. We stalked the site for awhile but savings was worth it. The customer service was great too. Sent a free cone :)

We love it. 3 chickens at a time in 12-20 seconds. I have pics of it in use but they have dead chickens in them...

So where did you get it and how much?   If you don't mind me asking.   :D
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It's an "EZplucker 151" we bought on super black Friday sale I believe, maybe a Xmas sale? Saved $200 bucks from the site itself (with sale I think we paid $500? I'd have to look at the site. Google ez plucker.) If you're thinking about it wait for the sales. We stalked the site for awhile but savings was worth it. The customer service was great too. Sent a free cone :)

We love it. 3 chickens at a time in 12-20 seconds. I have pics of it in use but they have dead chickens in them...

So where did you get it and how much?   If you don't mind me asking.   :D

I have the same one, would never go back to hand plucking, next on the list is a scalder, right now we use a turkey fryer, gotta keep stopping to bring temps up....( we do about 25 at a time, and about 10 turkeys a year )
And the thiamine disruption does what? Inhibits the growth of the coccidia....and if you'll read the definition of an antibiotic above, you'll see that it qualifies as an antibiotic.
Bee, I agree with you on some of your points, but I think it a stretch to class something an "antibiotic" and on the same level as some of the other antibiotics just because something inhibits/kills microbes. By your definition salt, lemon juice and vinegar are antibiotics. I think we can all agree that salt, lemon juice and vinegar are not something we need to worry about entering the food chain.

You do make a very valid point that the description of how the drug works at the cellular level is somewhat misleading. All antibiotics, antifungals, anti-parasite drugs and I guess all drugs including very toxic cancer drugs work by targeting something at the cellular level.

I think the issue with most antibiotic use is not that it is particularly harmful to us on an individual basis, but is on a global scale. Mass antibiotic use it sets up the scenario we are fast approaching where microbes are drug resistant and the pharmaceutical industry does not have new ones to replace the ineffective drugs because there is no money in it for them. There is a ton of money for a new cancer drug that might extend a person's life by 3 months but cost $10,000 a month. There are big bucks for the drug companies for those kinds of drugs and none for antibiotics. Drug companies are a for-profit business, so they spend their research dollars where they will likely get the most return.
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It's an "EZplucker 151" we bought on super black Friday sale I believe, maybe a Xmas sale? Saved $200 bucks from the site itself (with sale I think we paid $500? I'd have to look at the site. Google ez plucker.) If you're thinking about it wait for the sales. We stalked the site for awhile but savings was worth it. The customer service was great too. Sent a free cone

We love it. 3 chickens at a time in 12-20 seconds. I have pics of it in use but they have dead chickens in them...

Very important information to know. Thanks a bunch.
Quote: We had purchased that same kit with the drill attachment plucker. Did 4 birds with it last October. I pulled out the drill to use it the other day. It sounded really weak, then died, completely. I would have to say the drill plucker may not be a good idea after all...or maybe purchase a new drill and only use it for that purpose.
Nice plucking set up!

Hey, does anyone have experience with Jumbo Pekin ducks? We have some White Pekins and I love them. Jumbo males will reach market weight in 3 months & females are smaller with excellent lay rate.
Trying to place an order but keep going back and forth.
I'm just wondering if they will behave like my White Pekins or be more like a Cornish cross or broad breasted white turkey (both of which I have raised & hated-- they were gross & obnoxious!)
We are getting a scalder too :th shameful huh but oh so time saving when doing dozens because no baby sitting temps and no propane burners or stoves....ahhhh :lau
I have the same one, would never go back to hand plucking, next on the list is a scalder, right now we use a turkey fryer, gotta keep stopping to bring temps up....( we do about 25 at a time, and about 10 turkeys a year )
It's an "EZplucker 151" we bought on super black Friday sale I believe, maybe a Xmas sale? Saved $200 bucks from the site itself (with sale I think we paid $500? I'd have to look at the site. Google ez plucker.) If you're thinking about it wait for the sales. We stalked the site for awhile but savings was worth it. The customer service was great too. Sent a free cone

We love it. 3 chickens at a time in 12-20 seconds. I have pics of it in use but they have dead chickens in them...

I'm very tempted, I wonder if I can make it worth it to my husband with us only doing about 50 chickens a year though. Hmm.
Do you all pluck your chickens?

We plucked the ducks with wax, but we skinned everything else.  The duck plucking was really gross to me, I had a hard time eating the meat after.  You really need the skin for fried chicken, but it's so much faster to skin.  Maybe I should look into this drill attachment.  I would think it would bruise the meat, no?
they claim it doesn't. It has the 6 rubber fingers and can be found on Amazon. I think I like some of the homemade things better though! :)

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