Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

So a couple weeks ago, when I slaughtered my three cockerels, a friend came over to help, and in exchange, I gave her one of the processed birds. It turns out that she never got around to cooking him, and he's been sitting in her fridge all that time. I'm upset that one of my boys might go to waste after all that. :( This is actually the second time this has happened, the first time being with a different person. What is with people? :(
Idk... That's sad. I'm always a bit hesitant to give away my home grown food... Be it veggies eggs or meat to some people... They just don't really understand what goes into it...
Sorry your boy may go to waste :hugs
So a couple weeks ago, when I slaughtered my three cockerels, a friend came over to help, and in exchange, I gave her one of the processed birds. It turns out that she never got around to cooking him, and he's been sitting in her fridge all that time. I'm upset that one of my boys might go to waste after all that. :( This is actually the second time this has happened, the first time being with a different person. What is with people? :(

I would be so angry, so upset.

It is possible that it is still good. It depends on the fridge temperature, how quickly it was cooled. I would see if it was good and make soup.
Yeah, I'm grieving for him all over again. :( I thought it would be okay because the person I gave him to hunts (and says she eats what she hunts), plus she came and plucked and gutted this guy. You'd think that after putting that effort into it, she'd not waste it.

I just don't trust people anymore. Food waste is always bad, but when it's an animal that gave its life, it's so much worse. I don't know how people don't see that.

I didn't want to completely go off on her, because I do value the friendship. But I will not be giving her any more meat, that's for sure.
Did she have a good reason?

My bird that died earlier this week made two great meals (garlic chicken and rice, and a pot of soup). I was glad to have saved the meat. Atleast she didn't die in vain.

I would be livid if it happened to me.. I don't take well to food waste anyway. Nothing gets wasted here (unless it has like.. blue mold!) Even the feathers and guts feed my soldier fly larvae.
No, she didn't mention any particular reason. Just said she hadn't gotten to it yet. :( I am learning not to be generous with people. I get burned when I am.

I'm glad you guys understand. The last time this happened with someone else, people around me were basically saying, "It's just a chicken. Don't get so upset."
No, she didn't mention any particular reason. Just said she hadn't gotten to it yet. :( I am learning not to be generous with people. I get burned when I am.

I'm glad you guys understand. The last time this happened with someone else, people around me were basically saying, "It's just a chicken. Don't get so upset."

It is a shame this happened... while it is true that some folks just don't understand why it is so important to us I have been lucky enough to find a few folks who really appreciate it. So all hope is not lost.
Good friends of ours like to come over for dinner, and they do love the chicken dinners... but they also understand the work and care that is involved and they don't take it for granted.
I know other folks who just don't get it and probably never will. I have quit worrying about those types... it just isn't worth the frustration. If someone doesn't care after my initial explanation of the benefits of home raised vs factory farm raised then I just let it go at that. Some folks just don't want to know...
It's not just a chicken... So many things are wrong with's a waste of food when some people don't have food, A life lost for no reason, a labour of love from hatch to butchering... Its work... Blood sweat and tears work... I only give my food to a very respectful few... Or they pay for it in cash which sadly makes it mean more to them.
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No, she didn't mention any particular reason. Just said she hadn't gotten to it yet. :( I am learning not to be generous with people. I get burned when I am.

I'm glad you guys understand. The last time this happened with someone else, people around me were basically saying, "It's just a chicken. Don't get so upset."

I'm ashamed to admit it, but my dad shot a deer last year, we cut it up in big chunks, put it in a bucket, I brought it home and put it in the garage (it was below freezing) and left it, cooked the tenderloin the next night, but I didn't get to cleaning it all up and putting it away before it spoiled.... I was crying when I tossed the meat and my boyfriend just didn't understand....
No, she didn't mention any particular reason. Just said she hadn't gotten to it yet. :( I am learning not to be generous with people. I get burned when I am.

I'm glad you guys understand. The last time this happened with someone else, people around me were basically saying, "It's just a chicken. Don't get so upset."
I completely understand. You traded her help for the chicken. You got the help you traded for, and at the time you felt like it was a fair deal. (I personally think it was very generous of you).

I think you are right to feel bad about the wasted bird. All the time, money and care that went into that one bird can't really be measured...BUT once you turned that bird over to her, the debt was settled. if the bird is wasted then, it's on her. For the sake of the friendship, you need to holler and vent here, but move on from it because it was HER choice to waste the bird you traded to her, not yours. That bird paid for the help you needed to get through the processing. That bird is the reason why you were able to do your duty by the others. That bird was NOT a wasted bird!

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