Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

I completely understand. You traded her help for the chicken. You got the help you traded for, and at the time you felt like it was a fair deal. (I personally think it was very generous of you).

I think you are right to feel bad about the wasted bird. All the time, money and care that went into that one bird can't really be measured...BUT once you turned that bird over to her, the debt was settled. if the bird is wasted then, it's on her. For the sake of the friendship, you need to holler and vent here, but move on from it because it was HER choice to waste the bird you traded to her, not yours. That bird paid for the help you needed to get through the processing. That bird is the reason why you were able to do your duty by the others. That bird was NOT a wasted bird!

Bazy, your advice is very wise. Once a gift is given, it is the receiver's property to do with as they wish.
I guess my goal needs to be to get more efficient with the processing so that it's not so difficult to butcher several by myself. Plus part of my problem was that they were molting slightly at the time. So many pinfeathers, argh! No more butchering molting birds for me! Or at least, I need to skin them if it's unavoidable.

I just bought this book on kindle (it's a great deal right now!), so hopefully I can improve my technique:
That's a good perspective

Thank you, Bazy.

Bazy, your advice is very wise. Once a gift is given, it is the receiver's property to do with as they wish.
Gosh, thank you, and You're welcome.
I didn't tell you anything you didn't already know. Sometimes I think we need to have the simple answer put in front of us when our emotions cloud things and make them complicated. I know I do!
Here are the ducks DH caught hunting yesterday, 3 in total, 2drakes 1duck. We were very excited! We have never processed duck before, only chickens and turkey. The ducks weren't too hard to process but getting all the fluffy down feathers off was a little difficult and very time consuming. They are resting in the refrigerator now. Ill cook one or 2 up this Fri or Sat, DHs friend gave us a recipe to try. We have never cooked duck before.

LOL I hear you about all the tiny down feathers. IT is like ducks have twice the number of feathers to remove!!! lol DH and I will process 5 ducks today. Water is getting hot . . . .Freezer is filling up with meat--- mostly duck. lol

On another note-- tureky was on sale this week so we bought a couple more at 49 cents a pound. For us it is just another flavor as these commercial birds dont taste like ours . . . . . roasted overnight a two nights ago and it is mostly gone already.

Two turkeys came back from butcher this morning to sell to a customer. THe Holland male was much bigger than the older narricross girl. Customer is taking both. Amazing that the turkeys still have better breast meat than most of the chickens I've processed.

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