Processor Needed in Maryland


10 Years
Apr 23, 2011

I have two roos that I would like to process, but prefer to outsource this... is anyone aware of a place in Maryland area that can perform this in sanitary conditions?

Appreciate the replies!


I do not know where in MD you live so it may not be worthwhile to drive to Taneytown or Westminster. However, A&W Country meats in Taneytown (410 7562420) may do the processing for you or Hahn's of Westminster(410 848 4200). There is also Maurer and Miller in Manchester (410 374 2884). Good luck
I live in Columbia, but willing to drive.

Thanks a ton for the recommendations!!

I'll let you know how it turns out

I'm also in maryland and may need a processor someday. Did you find someone to process your birds, and how did it turn out? What was the charge? I've seen ads for a mobile processor in Westminster somewhere, maybe Lancaster Farming, but can't find the info now that I'm looking for it.
Hello, it's time for my roo to go. Did you find a processor nearby? I'm in Silver Spring. It's only one.
I just need someone to dispatch him humanely. Otherwise I'll leave him out for the foxes, I guess... :(
This is a old thread. You may find more responses by posting in your state thread. Good luck.

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