Hey guys, I was wondering if any of y'all cross breed simply for production? I had some RIR/Buff Orp crosses this past year and they were great. They laid the most and biggest eggs I got and when broody time came around they were the first ones to set. So it got me to thinking that maybe if I just intentionally and strategically cross breed my chickens with a a different roo every year (sticking to production breeds) that maybe I'll have a great flock of Heinz 57's that are large enough for the table and good layers.
This years flock is 1/4 RIR and 3/4 Buff Orp so I'm thinking about getting a Maran, Australorp or Plymouth Rock Roo to breed em too. Any suggestions?
This years flock is 1/4 RIR and 3/4 Buff Orp so I'm thinking about getting a Maran, Australorp or Plymouth Rock Roo to breed em too. Any suggestions?