Production Reds?


12 Years
Jan 3, 2012
What can I expect from Production Reds?

I'm new to schikens

I ordered RIR's but farm told me that their actually Production Reds....COOL

I'd like to hear of your take on these birds... Are they calm, friendly, noisy, good-layers, kind of stuff?

Thank you for sharing!
Production Reds are a production hybrid. I'm not exactly sure, but I think they are a cross from RIR and New Hampshire. I have had a few, about 5. I got mine from my local feed store. Mine were good layers and laid nice med-lg brown eggs. They were calm and friendly. They were also fairly small hens. Every chicken is different, but you should get anywhere between 5-7 eggs week when they start laying. Should start laying around 20-25weeks old. Make sure you have a good diet figured out, but some hens might need more or less than others as far as calcium, protein, carbohydrates, etc.
With the Production Red's characteristic of being a great egg-producer off the bat, will it decrease it's production of laying-eggs sooner than say a Barred Rock, for example just as a comparison?

Just curious at this point, as I would want a breed that would be more inclined to produce well at least for a couple seasons at least ....

I read somewhere that they might be good for only 18 months...

Like they go for broke and then it's all over...

Dunno... so asking

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There again will be that every hen is different. Production breeds will probably not be advertised as good layers past 2yrs of age, but that is (what I think) to keep people from getting mad if they don't lay good after their mark and also to encourage people to buy more to replenish their stock. Some production breeds lay good even at 3yrs old....My BSL for example: 1 laid 6-7 week at 3yrs old and the others would lay 4-6 week. So, I would think that the Production Reds would lay great for the first 18 months of laying, but would slowly decline. I did not keep mine much past 2yrs old, due to predators and thinning out my flock, but they did really good for the time I had them. I think that with good/optimal conditions you could get 4-5yrs of good laying, but not 4-5yrs for commercial laying. If you are planning on selling eggs then the 18month mark would be about right for optimal egg production.
I appreciate you sharing your experiences as it puts my heart at ease

We're just getting started as backyarders for home consumption... 3 yrs of laying from a good hen is all I can hope for...After that she'll be ready for the stewing pot

But my wife and daughter said they won't be eating it

It'll be their pet but I look at it as strictly a sustainable-farming approach!

Thank you again for your reply!
Hello! I have 3 Production Reds that came out of the Golden Comet Pullet bin. One ended up being a rooster. So far they have laid really well, like everday. The rooster is great, wonderful with his flock, protective, friendly with humans. The only time he got slightly perturbed was when a bunch of noisy, bratty children were running around the barn--he did not like that. But he has been great and I smile when I think of him, I have a picture of him on my page. :)

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