Project criticism - what do you think a project is?


Premium Feather Member
13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
It is clear from the history of chicken development, breeds are crossed to create new breeds and new color varieties. Most average chicken owners don't realize this or don't know. Let's talk about the development of new color varieties and your thoughts on projects. I have been heavily criticized for my very own projects from those who obviously don't have a clue about breeding or how genetics works - and lack the skills with breed development.

For example, all breeds have other breeds in them:

Buff ameraucana were developed using buff orpingtons.

Lavender ameraucana were developed using old english game fowl and d'anvers.

Black orpington were developed using langshan and cochin.

Black Australorps were developed using black orpington and langshan.

These are obvious crosses that are today called pure breeds due to the work that went into developing them. I could go on and on with numerous breeds and what went into them. So why is having a project going so taboo in some people's eyes? Especially when you very clearly state it is a project and not pure? Can folks just not understand the concept of a project?

IMO, you start with what will help you get to the end result. Locate the genes you need to develop a color and continue to work on type until it breeds true. This is a project in my eyes. If a particular breed is the goal, then it is appropriately called a project "breed" (replace the word "breed" with what you're working on). For example, project jubilee orpington, project lavender orpington, project red orpington. These are color varieties being worked on as projects and are yet to exist in the pure form (in the US) but people are working on them.

Is it clear to most what a project is and there are just a few who can't comprehend it..or is this confusing to folks? I would like to use this post to clarify what a project is and how colors/breeds are developed.

Feel free to add your experiences, projects and insight.
This type of confusion is one of the reasons I was so reluctant to talk about a couple of my projects. I feel a need to have something promising to show for my efforts before going public. Almost any breed of domestic animal came from crossing for certain genes at some point. Why would chickens be considered any different?
I think it's a shame that people are hesitant to share their projects, when so much can be learned from them. That is exactly why I shared mine, so others could watch the development and see how it's done. I guess sometimes I regret that, but ensuring some of my projects are elsewhere is important in case of loss. If something would ever happen to my birds, I would want to feel assured that someone is still working on the project and my work is not lost completely.

My lavender orpington project took heavy scrutiny, as many have seen. Some are even going so far as to claim they are ameraucana crosses, which is completely untrue. Some go so far as to email people and search out online ads to talk down about my projects. It's interesting the negativity that comes with developing something that is so beautiful and is quite simply, a chicken.
I think it's all very interesting to see the end results. But my little bitty pea brain can't understand a word about crossing this with that to get this. I have to have it spelled out why this is being crossed with that to understand the results.
but that's neither here nor there, I love seeing what you've done and enjoy following the project's progress. Keep up what you enjoy. The amount of people who don't appreciate it are small in numbers compared to those that do.
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Well, I've seen what you're talking about, Jody. Sometimes, I want to shake people and, as much as I adore my girls, shout, "Good grief, it's just a chicken, for pete's sake!"
I love watching the projects grow, but if I was working on one myself, I'd keep it quiet. Dont need the grief!

To be quite frank, my enjoyment of a particular breed has waned a bit from all the turmoil and dissension. And that's really too bad.

I wish everyone great progress on their breed projects.
hinkjc, I'm sorry to hear there's been such opposition or negative comments concerning your project.
I don't understand why there is such negativity; I have read your posts with interest (although I do not plan any such breeding project myself, it's interesting to read about the process of developing an entire new breed), and do not see why anyone would have any objection to it, and definitely not to disparage your efforts. Jealousy? a certain extremist rights group? those who want to keep all breeds "pure" (a rare bird indeed, yes pun intended!
) --- I don't get it.
I don't know a lot about chicken genetics, but I personally LOVE your Orpington project! I hope someday I'll be able to get eggs from your Lavendar Orpingtons

I'll be the first to admit I'm no expert, but I think some of those critics probably understand less chicken history than I do!
Charlie, This is Handsome. I would like a whole flock of him. Although he is a cross. He is the only chicken hatched here on the farm that we have ever kept. I've had many offers for him. I have a few that want a rooster just like him. I am always looking for more standard hens in a blonde/ gray for him to breed. It is a project and I realize he is not "pure". He grew very fast ; which is a plus!
He is beautiful!
Maybe buff orps to cross with him to try to keep the color going? That would be a great project! Thanks for sharing.
I have to run out for a little while and I have thought on this subject but don't forget the feathering on the UK orpingtons was introduced using Cochins. Some lines of Jubilee Orpingtons and red orps were reintroduced by using Speckled Sussex.

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