prolapse rectum


Glad she's doing better and you were able to figure out what was going on. I'd add prolapsed rectum to the title, I think you're right and it could help someone down the line to have this thread come up in a search.
Thanks Kittymomma, I changed everything so someone with this will not run into the problem I did. I knew what prolapse looked like but anything else I had no idea. I was on the computer doing search after search trying to find something that looked like her vent. I just hope it helps someone else and they won't have to go through what I did.

Thanks again,
Haven't been on here in a long time,but so glad you changed the title cuz it's helped me emmensely as I discovered one of my hens yesterday with this problem. Now I know how to care for her...thank you so much. I've already separated her from the rest now I'll get the epson salt and start caring for her properly. Thanx again.
I am glad it helped. If you need any more feel free to ask and I will do what I can.
Good luck!
One question...did you push the rectum back in immediately or did you soak and treat her for a couple days first?
We gave her a sitz bath and used the witch hazel on her today and my daughter will do it again tonight after school...should she try to push it back in tonight? I don't want to wait to long but I also want to make sure all is clean and healthy too. Never done this beofre and want to do it properly.
It took me a while, about a week to find out what was wrong with her. (a lot of searches) so all week I was soaking her. But if she looks clean after a bath I don't see why you can't push it back and see what happens. If fact you might be better doing that because the time I figured out what was wrong she had a harder time to poo.

Okay, great! Thank you so much for your info.
I read another article that said to use medicated vaseline to push it back in...did you use something like that as well?
I didn't use vaseline, I haven't read about that one. so I dunno

She really went through a lot of treatments but nothing worked, I thought reg. prolapse, soaked in epson salt and pasted her with honey. That didn't show any improvement. Then I couldn't find any pictures of vent gleet at the time so I just treated her as if she had that. soaked the same, but started adding dawn to clean her better. Then I was using monastat-7. That didn't work. Then I found a site saying about the rectum, I didn't have prep-h so I used tucks pads with extra witch hazel added. I soaked her yet again while the tucks pads were soaking in the witch hazel. after soak I gently wiped the area, the with my finger dead center of the pad, I used it to push in her rectum, and held the pad inside for about 5 minutes. The rectum just stayed in at that point, but then I had a problem she wasn't pooping, or barely eating. so that is when I flushed the vent with oil (mineral or veggie oil) still no poop, I then fished around in her vent until I could get some poop out and gave her the oil mix in her water, that night she was doing everything herself.

I hope this helps you more! Any more questions just ask.

Very helpful, thanx. I will pass this info along to my daughter as she is the one that will be performing the task. This is her pre-vet experience and well, I'm just a big ol 'chicken' myself so I'm not doing it

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