Prolapsed intestines???


7 Years
Nov 30, 2013
I know a little
Prolapsed intestines 1.jpg
Prolapsed intestines 2 cropped.jpg
about vent prolapse, but this seems to be something else??
My gold lace wyandott was behaving sick a couple of days ago, so I brought her inside. Her stool started out fine, but then became diarrhea over the next 24 hours, and stank terribly. Today, I washed her well - it was a disgusting mess under her. I discovered bumblefoot, which is troublesome enough, but I also discovered this protrusion - pictured. Her vent itself looks fine, and healthy. But below her vent, and a little to one side, is a mass that looks like intestines. As it dried, after her bath, the membrane around it turned much darker - when it was washed and wet, it was a pale gray-beige.
Any ideas what I am dealing with her, so I can figure out what to do for her?
Many thanks.
(Note - she is upside down in my arms in the pics.)
It appears that she may have had a hernia in her lower abdomen that has opened (burst,) or has been injured and opened which has exposed her abdominal organs. The vent looks intact, so I don’t think it is a prolapse. Unfortunately she needs to be euthanized to end any suffering which will happen. So sorry.
It appears that she may have had a hernia in her lower abdomen that has opened (burst,) or has been injured and opened which has exposed her abdominal organs. The vent looks intact, so I don’t think it is a prolapse. Unfortunately she needs to be euthanized to end any suffering which will happen. So sorry.
Sad but grateful for your reply. Thanks. Hate this part of owning chickens. :(

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