Prolapsed vent? White liquid. Update!


9 Years
Jan 25, 2010
Central Indiana
This morning I noticed one of my Gold Laced Wyandottes, Miss Jaunty Barret, had a very poopy butt. I grabbed her and it was a mess so I just soaked her in a tub of slightly warm water until most of the poop was gone. I got a good look at her bum while washing her and it looked like a prolapsed vent. It was pulsing like mad and very red. I brought her inside and noticed she had a slightly blue comb in one corner. I put her in a small puppy crate with cold fresh water and some electrolytes. The blue went away very quickly. I also gave her scrambled egg with Danonino yogurt. She didn't seem to care for it so I put some layer pellets on it and she happily ate some of it then. She still doesn't seem to want to eat. Also see has a whitish liquid constantly ooozing from her vent. It looks like cottage cheese and smells like vomit.

She pooped just before putting her in the crate and it was more like dog poop consistency. Solid. Still oozing white yuck.

She's 1yr 3mo old. I've never had a problem with her before this. She lays an egg pretty much every day and may have laid one this morning. Her eggs are similar to another hen's eggs. Out of 8 hens I only got 2 eggs today. The usual for this time of day is about 4 or 5 with this heat. It was coolish yesterday and this morning. It's REALLY hot out now so they're all hiding somewhere trying to stay cool.

I just read that Prep H is good to heal a prolapsed vent. With the white liquid on her do I use a wet paper towel or a bathroom moist towelette to wipe some of it away before I dab some on. Do I try to push it back in with some Prep H on my gloved finger? Also on hand in the medicine cabinet are 500mg sulfasalazine tabs and 1000mg mesalamine suppositories. Might this help?....any of you out there familiar with dosage/vet techs?
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Prep H is good to use. That's what I use on my hens. Keep the white gunk cleaned off, then put some Prep H on your finger, and gently try to push it back in. Sometimes it will stay sometimes it won't. If it doesn't, just make sure you keep it clean, and put Prep H on it a couple times a day. As the swelling goes down, it will most likely go back in on its own. It has every time on my hens except once, when the prolapse was huge, silver dollar size, and I eventually had to cull her. Give her plenty of time to heal, before putting her back in with the flock. After she's back in with the flock, keep a eye on her because there's a chance that she could have another one. That happens quite often.

I don't know anything about the tabs or suppositories. I'd try just the Prep H first. It usually works pretty good.
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Thank you for replying. I will go down there now and clean her bottom and try to ease it back in with the Prep H on my finger.
I went down there to wash her bottom and put on the ointment and noticed that she had laid an egg. I took out the egg and began to wash her behind before I put on the ointment. Just as I was finishing up she pooped. It was half solid and half gooey clear liquid. I cleaned her back up and put on the ointment. That stuff wants to stay on the glove and not on her bottom. I also noticed that her prolapse wasn't as big as when I first let her in. I would have thought that laying the egg would have made it worse, but it didn't. The heat outside may have contributed to the swelling. Her comb was also back to normal color. She doesn't want to eat tho. I don't know if she's drinking the water.

My husband is out buying Wazine and looking at antibiotics...just in case. We plan to treat everyone for parasites for the 14 day period. I haven't noticed any, but we might as well now that they're not all laying eggs like they were so there's less to throw away now.
She's still oozing the white liquid. Urates? She oozes that while having solid bms. The smell is horrendous. The ointment doesn't stick. Does anyone have any other suggestions? She's eating cooked scrambled egg with strawberry yogurt with extra calcium mixed together. I give her pellets too, but she's not as interested in those. I have not begun to treat for worms since we don't have the Wazine yet.
LovinMyHensInNC! :

As I read your posts, I see a lot of similarity to my hen's "issues". Someone suggested using honey... maybe that would stick better than the preparation H?? Good luck to you!

I bought the cream at Walmart this morning. I will give her a bath, dry her off really well, then see how that works. She also laid an egg while I was gone. She was happily working on the banana I left her in her bowl of pellets as well. She really likes the banana.​
The honey seemed to make it worse. It was bigger today. She refused food last night, but today she ate. She was in pain today. I soaked her to wash off more poop and had better luck with it today. She let me really pick at it today. The prolapse just hangs out of her vent and is about the size of a quarter and comes out about 3/4 of a inch I think. Everything looks normal color, but it hangs outside of her body and oozes the fluid constantly. Everytime I blot with toilet paper or paper towel and rush to get something on it she oozes the urates. It's a rush to get something on it in time, but I'm just blotting it on what is sticking out. Should I be using the tube that comes with the PrepH cream inside of her vent??? Has anyone had any success after 4 days of it hanging out?
Update: On Sunday after reading another thread I decided to bathe my girl in Epsom salts. She was happy to sit it it more so I let her stay for about a half hour. I tried to pick off what poo I could from her backside then dried her off without rinsing with fresh water. I dried her off then used a paper towel to dry off her vent and squirted on some Povodine Iodine and let that dry. Then I used another paper towel and used PrepH cream and pushed her vent back in. I had bought some Duramune antibiotic powder and started putting that in her drinking water. The instructions are confusing so I put in about a teaspoon of the powder to her water and when the bowl went dry I gave her more water. I would guess she's getting about 2tsp of the antibiotic daily now. Monday morning I took her out of her cage and set her on top to have a good look at her butt and found that her vent was inside finally. After nearly a week and it's inside of her body. She laid an egg Monday afternoon and there was a bit of blood, but her vent was back inside her body. I did watch her poop and it came out a bit, but went back in. She's more alert and wanting more than just scrambled eggs to eat. I will continue with the Duramune for a week. I have no idea if she has an infection or not, but it seems to be working. When I'm done with the antibiotic I'll start adding the electrolytes back to her water to replenish her body with the good bacteria it needs to function normally. So for another week or so she'll stay inside. I hope this idea helps someone else.

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