pronounce "Campine"?


Flock Mistress
12 Years
Apr 20, 2007
Ontario, Canada
How do you pronounce it, and bonus points if someone can tell me the origin of the name too?

Thanks in advance,


Campine (pronounced Kampeen) I just call them Candy females, and Roo for the roo(I know how original)

I guess belgium do I get a Gold star???

Campine - PoultryPages
The Campine originated in Belgium, where it has been bred for several centuries.
The name is derived from the Campine country, where these fowls are bred ... - 15k - similar pages
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I pronounce it "KAM-pin" which may not be the way it was intended to be pronounced but would be the way it would be done with regular English pronunciation of any word spelled that way, being the walking dictionary my DH seems to think I am.
I always said cam(like in a car) pine(like the tree), but copied above from a website thinking OK wrong again... nothing new here, but if everyone else isnt gonna change I am gonna continue calling min CAM PINES
rotfl -- this is more or less what happened when I asked over on The Easy Garden how people pronounce Agastache (a flower) -- everyone has their own version <g>

Thank you all very much, I will just continue to try to avoid having to say it aloud, even tho I am thinking about getting a few. I shall just arrange purchase via email, and thereafter refer to them only as "them purty other chickens over there"

mdbucks still gets the bonus points for origin tho

Pat, still laughing
This is how I was taught as well, but ya'll need to remember, I'm a redneck Hoosier at heart. None of that fancy-schmancy pronunciation or nothin'!
I'm going to disagree and agree with everyone. And, because I'm hearing-impaired - that's easy

The British would probably like us to pronounce it kamPEEN but we may want to use the Flemish (Dutch) pronunciation since that is the language of the region in Belgium.

The Flemish people call this place Kempen. Now, we can accurately apply our English pronunciation on the name easily enough and call these chickens, kĕm`pən. Or, not.

Limburg and Antwerp provs., NE Belgium, and North Brabant prov., S Netherlands. It is a coal-mining and manufacturing area.

A ga sta - she
digitS' :

The British would probably like us to pronounce it kamPEEN but we may want to use the Flemish (Dutch) pronunciation since that is the language of the region in Belgium.

Then again who cares what the british want? Who won the war anyway??? and the flemish who are they?? CAM PINE it is​
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