Public Education rant

have not had a raise in 4 years, we have had 2 pay cuts in the last 2 years.

This is the base salary for teachers in my district, we have a 3-tiered licensure that dictates how much we get paid. This does not include the districts responsibility for insurance, life insurance, retirement, etc. Out of this amount we have to pay our portion and just to give you an idea of that here are some actual numbers off my own pay stub. I am a level 2, with my several college degrees my base salary is 45,500, doesn't that sound great??? Now let me show what I pay out of that, I am going to show you my actual pay stub, with one line blacked out because of the numbers on it. I teach in a year round school, I get 5 weeks off in the summer, sometimes close to 6, but I spend at least 3 of those weeks in trainings. When I take home 876is every 2 weeks, please don't tell me I am overpaid.
Back to the OPs rant.

I would be ticked if my kid was expected to buy textbooks for the class, and I didn't know that going in. I wouldn't be complaining to the teacher. The principal and the superintendent would be hearing about. It sounds like a district funding issue, not a particular school's issue.
I can't imagine a school not having plenty of warning of the books they will be using. I've never heard of a school changing books midstream and parents buying them. I wouldn't pay for a text book, period. My district got mad at me because I teach in the district but pulled my son out and homeschooled him for several years until he requested to go back. If I homeschool I buy the books, but not for a school district.
mom'sfolly :

Back to the OPs rant.

I would be ticked if my kid was expected to buy textbooks for the class, and I didn't know that going in. I wouldn't be complaining to the teacher. The principal and the superintendent would be hearing about. It sounds like a district funding issue, not a particular school's issue.​
Exactly, Anderson!

And get your butt into the school.

I'm at my kid's elementary school a minimum of three days a week as a volunteer. I'm not currently volunteering at the middle school.

Yes, I am a stay at home mom, and I realize that not everyone can volunteer every week. But you can take time to see what goes on at school.

If you care, get involved! I have had conversations with far too many parents who complain and do nothing. Do something, or shut your pie-hole.

Stepping off my soap box, and now doing this....
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The books did not change, they will be using two books for the class now. After I got home last night, I grilled both DDs on the book issue. Both maintain that they were just told yesterday. The teacher's reasoning for adding the Study Guide now, was that he did not want all the parents who's child initially signed up for this AP class to have to purchase the book, only to have the kid find out the course was too demanding and transfer to a non-AP class. I understand where the teacher was coming from. It was actually considerate to some parents. Giving the remaining parents less than a week (a holiday week no less), to purchase the book is what got me fired up.

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